MovieChat Forums > The Killing Room (2009) Discussion > Offensive movie to Muslims

Offensive movie to Muslims

Anyone else found this movie to be offensive for Muslims?

While I enjoyed the horror-aspect of this movie, I gave it a 1 rating because I think they should have removed the parts about Muslims, because in my opinion they are offending 25% of the earth's population.



Couldn't have said it better myself, Slownz. :)

Most people are blind to the fact that it's not always the "subjects" themselves that get all politically correct on us and kick-start the dangerous process of censorship and removal of free speech, but that it's actually the people who are/have nothing to do with certain groups/backgrounds that get on their soap boxes and fly the flags on their behalf (whether wanted or not). And it is those "interfering" people who will be the first to complain when we have no freedom of speech left whatsoever... and the so called "victims" will the ones cursing them for the damage they've inadvertently done.

And as for the whole "religious" aspect of this thread's leading post... there are tons of films out there that focus on Catholic, Christian, Pagan, etc, religions and portray the followers to be bad, laughable, dangerous, or stupid. No big deal is really made of that though. So I can't understand why people get so bloody hung up on anything that's remotely "Muslim".


The difference with movies that criticize or satirize Christianity and films that are borderline offensive to Muslims (like this one), is that when you attack Islam in America, you're also tacitly attacking an ethnic minority. It's no big deal if white Christians get the short end of the stick sometimes in movies. They're the majority in America, so what do they care? They're sitting high on the hog because their voice is always heard loudest and typically heard first.

Americans of middle eastern descent (who may or may not worship Islam) appear infrequently in motion pictures. So it's more important to portray them fairly and accurately, because their exposure has a greater effect on the audience. For example, if you only see a specific movie star once a year; if that star gets drunk in public for their annual appearance, then that makes people think badly of them. Even though that movie star probably isn't like that 90% of the time. It's all about perception.

That's why it's a big deal when you pick on Muslims in American film, as opposed to Christians. Picking on anybody isn't right to begin with. But it's "more wrong" to do it to a marginalized group.

I think some Muslims would be offended by some parts of the film. But I don't think it's excessive. (Maybe I would think differently if I was Muslim.)




VERY OFFENSIVE. Why they used 9/11 as a reference is distrubing...and I must say why would we need suicide bombers we would just push a button or drop bombs-this is the only angle I didn't like it didn't make sense.

I know that since 9/11 most people have fear of Muslims, that is obvious. Who in their right mind think their suicide bombers were brainwashed like that. Religion plays a huge part in their decisions. Those test subjects were stupid.


Though not a muslim myself I would suggest that if anything it suggests entirely the opposite. Through the assumptions that the candidates draw from the stimulus' they read and hear throughout the experiment they conclude that it must be muslims behind it. I would suggest that therefore this tackles the idea of a stereotypical racism within modern society as the candidates draw these conclusions, rather than the director intending to be offensive.

This is just how I personally saw the racial issues within the films context.


I quite agree and I would go as far as to say that if anything it could even be seen as offensive to Americans/'The West' - if you think about it, and if you are of an easily offended nature. It parallels us to an enemy that we claim not to be anything like or to be able to understand. But people it is merely a film, no need to take offense at anything at all.

Also It would also make a change for the people who are allegedly being offended to complain instead of do-gooder white liberals and white apologists. The complaint may then have some credence.


I felt offended as an American when the guy said that the voices were speaking Muslim. I was just thinking, who would actually be stupid enough to say that Muslim is a language? It felt like so outrageous, that the creators of this film thought that people could say something that stupid just because of bigotry that sprung from 9/11.

Maybe I'm wrong, and the writer heard some person say that at some point but this character that said that doesn't sound stupid overall, or white trash, so it seemed more like they were insinuating that many Americans are that ignorant.

It's apparent that the test kept introducing "stimuli" that made the test subjects believe that some sort of Muslim Terrorists were involved, so almost any reaction of fear or hatred towards Muslims could be expected, but ignorance wasn't something I expected right there. It's like they were directly making fun of Americans' intelligence, especially since not too long later they set out the question that says right in the hint that we aren't very smart. It's like they were saying, "see, dumb Americans? there are scientific studies that prove you are all idiots. Let's continue to show you how stupid you are."


Our disgrace of a president thinks that Austrian is a language.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Is there ANYTHING in the western world that isn't offensive to muslims ??


Is there ANYTHING in the western world that isn't offensive to muslims ??

That's the question.
But funniest thing is they always say they are not racist.


EVERYTHING is offensive to muslims.
IF I want your opinion, I'll GIVE it to you.


I didn't think so, I think that was one of the keys for the brainwashing, if they ware trying to produce the ultimate suicide bomber, they would need to go in one direction.
In second phase he was on a room with skinheads right? Is that offensive to? The reference to 9/11 was just to make a point (justification), so that the project could restart.
And we will never know what really was the MKULTRA project.


Its about time religious people just shut the *beep* up and worshipped their black magic voo doo mumbo jumbo god. That applies to all mumbo jumbo religions. If you find that offensive. Sorry -- but *beep* off.


p.s. I've never even seen the film..


why does everything have to be racist?? I actually worked on this film, and thought It was a good movie for the $3 million budget that it had...and ya know...every single movie, every single thing in life has somewhere, or somebody claiming something to be racist...ok..if they're against Muslims...then ok..the black guy are they being racist because all the white people died?? oh no....well, the black guy lived...and it's usually the black guy that dies right? well, they covered that up to make sure they wouldn't hear that one...oh well.....or maybe it's a racist movie because the room is's not black is it?? you could do this with every single movie...there's gotta be a point in someone's lifetime, hopefully ours, that this all ends??? what's the deal??


KCNYBC Thank you for your post. If they stopped writing books or making movies that offended SOMEONE there would be nothing written or filmed. People are getting WAY too sensitive about everything. If you are so sensitive about your religion then you obviously don't have a good hold on what you believe. If you truly believe in your religion then what someone says about it should not make one bit of difference. They are just words. If it turns to violence then complain but quit blipping about every word that is spoken around the world.


Exactly. People of Earth, grow some thicker skin and quit being so overly sensitive. Americans in particular have grown into this baby culture where the morons can't quit crying and get offended over the most insignificant things. Grow up. Get over it. Every little thing is not a dig at you. The main problem is that too much of the time the squeaky wheel gets the grease and instead of being told to shut up and quit crying, these idiots are appeased.

And, as someone mentioned above, the most ridiculous part is so much of the time it's someone like the OP here [speculation based on how the OP put their comment] who isn't even a part of the group they are claiming are offended. The world needs less crusaders and watchdogs crying whenever they think others will be offended by something. Everyone would be happier.


I find suicide bombers and jihadists offensive to Muslims. I find Al Qeada and the Taliban offensive to Muslims. I find people who exploit their own religion to subject their own followers to death offensive.

I didn't find this movie offensive to Muslims in the least.


Well said, Dances WithPork!


and yet I bet if the film used Russians and their language instead OP would not have a slight problem. IDIOT.


Hardly. If anything, it showed just how Islamophobic we, as Americans, have become.
