MovieChat Forums > Plague Town (2009) Discussion > Sadistic Scene (Spoiler)

Sadistic Scene (Spoiler)

I thought the part where the wife gets slowly beaten over and over again in the head with the hubcap thingie was filmed in a very disturbing way. Kind of out of character for the rest of the movie, more like graphic sadistic violence.

I thought the film was okay, not an especially new, original or thought provoking horror film. But the hubcap scene felt gratuitous considering the film really doesn't have much to say.

Just attended a question/answer session with the director, though I was too cowardly to tell him I think he should have cut this differently.


You might have been wise not to say anything to the director. He's kind of an egomaniac who doesn't take too kindly to criticism. When a critic doesn't give them film a glowing review he says that they didn't get it. Get what exactly is my question. It's a hills have eyes rip off. I'm sorry, but it you're in the independent horror business then you really have to learn how to accept that no everyone will like what you make.


Any scenes of a sexual nature?


Yeah. You jerking off to "Jebus Saves"...


I really think the 2008 UK production "The Children" was the cream of the crop for psycho kid flicks as well as one of the best horror films last year...and there's no way this film beats the atmosphere, suspense, and tension that movie brought. This one's okay though, I definitely enjoyed it.


"This is me...ya anonymous jerks"


I think you're projecting your own baggage onto the scene. I thought it was simply a demonstration of the depravity and inhumanity of the children. I personally increasingly prefer long scenes like this to the typical instant-death stuff that comprises the majority of horror film deaths.

If someone might complain of graphic sadism they could question the horrific treatment of the arrogant boyfriend, extended through roughly half of the film. Stabbing a man in the neck and the hand, shooting part of his face off, gouging out his eyes as he's conscious and then threading a vine or rope through his eye sockets with a stick - that's a lot for one character to endure, though as a representation of an exceedingly common intellectual, political, social and moral hubris, arrogance and ignorance in the U.K. and Europe toward America and Americans it was a guilty pleasure to watch.

As for the director being an egomaniac, what's new? It's a director.

I thought the Uncanny Valley-like nature of the kiddies was a nice approach, and the amount of up-close screen time for them was nice as well. Too many movies hell bent any more on keeping the monsters from really being seen. It's not a bad movie at all, I didn't feel like my time was wasted. It clearly could have been done better, and there could have been a little more coherence in the presentation, but I enjoyed it enough.


I had the same reaction. I thought it was a pretty crap movie anyway. I only started watching it because it was set in Ireland, but it soon became obvious that it wasn't filmed there, and anyway it's just another penny-a-dozen torture porn flick.

"The Government of the United States of America is in no sense founded on the Christian religion." - Treaty of Tripoli



That scene annoyed me terribly! The wife should have just pretended to be dead and they would have stopped blundgeoning her dumb @$$. My guy is from Ireland, and like the scene with the woman talking to the outside, native Irish people really insist that a cup of tea will help EVERYTHING. If things are really dire... A cup of tea with a shot of something in it.


It pissed me off that she didn't even try to fight back. "Oh noes! They've got twigs!!!!"


I thought that was the one scene that made the movie scary. Though I would have filmed it entirely from the perspective of the girl under the car.


I didn't think the scene was all THAT bad...but then again, I have a little more tolerance...but I hate "beat downs" in movies, this being one of them.

The string/head slice off was pretty bad too! Though less of a scene that "carried on".

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!
