Mitch Hedberg Lives On

I loved Demetri Martin on the Daily Show, and I was looking forward to this show for a long time.

While the show is funny, I find myself thinking "that sounds like something Mitch Hedberg would say" way too often, and I can't enjoy the show.

Anyone else feel the same way?


I totally have recommended Mitch to anyone who like Demetri. They have a very similar style to them.


He is really an influence on Demetri. Hedberg was so scared/nervous on stage tho - so hard to watch, but still awesome.


that's because he was high, and it's also why he died



I can't stand Mitch Hedberg, but I like Demetri..go figure.



If you think that, watch Steven Wright. He was out way before MH. They all have the same style. All absolutely hilarious. But try to listen to them all with an open mind, because all their jokes are original, and though their styles sound similar, you will rarely get that many original jokes.



Fair enough, this weeks Important things was pretty funny.

Glad to see there are other mitch fans on here.


I love both of their deadpan humor, it's soooo funny!!

My perfect threesome, me, Angelina Jolie, and Dominique Francon.


You know, I just saw the Chairs episode tonight, and I had this subtle voice in my head the whole time going "Mitch..."

He isn't really that similar to Mitch, but there's a certain element of his comedy that reminds you of Mitch



I can't stand Steven Wright either. Well..for every one joke I like from him there's about 10 I just think are dumb. I get that he's doing a parody of a stoner. Demitri Martin doesn't really strike me as stoner humor. I have a feeling this show will only last one season.



i agree. it wont last. i think its a once run concept tho.


Oh, well. Too each his own. Thing is, all his jokes are pretty much supposed to be dumb. That's the point. He just looks at things in a way that most never do. And if you've seen him talk outside his comedy, that's how he talks. It's like saying Arnold Schwarzanegger is doing a parody of an Austrian in all his films.



No, because that is insulting the memory of Mitch Hedberg.


I actually haven't found the show to be much of a rip-off of Mitch, but what I've heard of Demetri Martin's stand-up is another story.

But I don't see that as a bad thing. Mitch was the first stand-up comedian I ever really enjoyed and the one that got me into stand-up in the first place, so to me someone with a similar style of humor is superior to most other stand-up I see. As long as the jokes are good...

"I am Jack's wasted life."


i LOVE mitch hedberg steven wright is good, dimetri martin is funny when he's doing stand up but his show is horrible.


Hedberg (while quaint and somewhat humourous) is overrated, but Martin isn't even in the same damn sport as him. Martin's act is "look at me I draw and play guitar". No jokes in sight.


I noticed that too! All these ironies & weird jokes. I keep getting Demetri & Mitch jokes mixed up.


Luckily enough, I actually discovered Demetri before Mitch, so I love them both equally.
