Mr Bean

Don't know if anyone has ever noticed this, but there are scenes where Michael Sheen looks the spitting image of Rowan Atkinson's Mr Bean. It's the ones where he does the bulging brown eyes bit with the tight grimace. I didn't notice it in "The Queen" but here, there it was: Mr Bean. Of course, Mr Bean might have made quite a good PM.

Also, why do English people look so ticklish? Both he and his wife are always giggling and nervously wriggling. English people are such wrigglers. Notice that beside them, the Clintons are physical heavy weights who seem to have hides like rhinos. But Blair, he is forever grinning and pulling faces, and nervously vibrating his body. Even in the bath!

I see things that never were and say WHAT THE..!.


That's mostly because Sheen is just an awful actor.


Or maybe he subconsciously clued into the fact that Blair and Atkinson went to school together, in their younger years.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."-Groucho
