we both use colgate

How hopeless did that situation look and it turned out to be that bad when they were both in power


Taken a look at Iraq lately?


Yes, I have and if you are attempting to paint a rose colored pictured of successful Bush foreign diplomacy in the Iraqi region, you are much maligned. The reason for the relative "peace" in the region is because you can thank the fact that the Iraqi government (with the help of the U.S.) is using oil money to keep the insurgent factions paid off. Do you remember a little spat that took place few years ago in Basra that suddenly ended practically on a weekend? It was because of two things that happened. First, the Iranians didn't want to get into a PR mess because they were supplying weapons and applied their own force against the factions; and secondly, the Iraqi factions were buying the weapons using money that Al-Maliki hands out to pay for peace. The man personally went into that city with several briefcases full of cash and then stood before the camera's posing as if his mere presence scared the factions into supplication. As long the oil flows in Iraq there will be money to pay for peace. That's not exactly a successful government policy.


That sure was a longwinded way to say "Bush and Blair actually succeeded there."



But what has any of this to do with Colgate? Stick to the point, guys.

I see things that never were and say WHAT THE..!.


Hopeless? I think it showed Bush has a great sense of humour and is a quick thinker. He was the best president since Reagan and a zillion times better than Barack Obama bin Laden.


I am hoping you are being sarcastic...if not;
Did you not notice the long pause and look of brain wheelies as he thought of the toothpaste line? Sooooo, not a funny joke(?) and not very quick thinking.

Obama is simply disappointing--although I voted for Clinton in their race--he hasn't done anything he proposed and hasn't gotten near to getting something good done.

Remember, you are fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did.


Hopeless? I think it showed Bush has a great sense of humour and is a quick thinker. He was the best president since Reagan and a zillion times better than Barack Obama bin Laden.

I'm with you on that one. No president could have handled 9/11 as well as he did. He was the man for the job and I am thankful we had him in office to protect us -- with none of this "let's x-ray little old people in their wheelchairs in the airport" crap. I felt safe and vindicated when he was in office, and it completely erased the bad taste pervy Clinton left in my mouth.

With regards to that press conference at the end of the film -- he was trying to be funny, to make a joke, to say, "We have nothing in common except our toothpaste brand." It fell flat, yes, but that's part of the charm of the man. He's down to earth, he makes bad jokes, he's not an arrogant prat like so many politicians are... and the real irony? He and Blair became very good friends during his presidency and are still on good terms.


"He was the man for the job and I am thankful we had him in office to protect us..."

Well, he DIDN"T protect you, obviously, so that statement is a bit silly.

And not arrogant? This is a man who said the worst moment of his presidency was when Kanye West accused him of being racist!

Really a terrible president that did an enormous amount of damage to his country that will be feeling the effects for years and possibly even decades to come.

However, you are right that he and Tony Blair became good friends, and most Brits certainly still have no idea how that happened. It would make an interesting movie if anyone has any insight into it.


with none of this "let's x-ray little old people in their wheelchairs in the airport" crap.
That's actually very true. What the Obama administration did with the TSA, HUGE amounts of taxpayers' money thrown into this junk security theater - well, it's just disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful. This will both bankrupt the country, ostracize people AND provide 0 security.

How can you be bad, stupid and malicious at the same time? This is one example.


"I'm with you on that one. No president could have handled 9/11 as well as he did."

Yep, you're right! On Sep. 12th all the world was behind America against terrorism, even Iranians held vigils for victims. And when he left the office, 90% of the World hated America and didn't back her war against terror. Looks like a retty good accomplishment, ha (!) :-))


Yeah, aided and abetted by a non-stop media machine that twisted EVERYTHING Bush did and blamed EVERYTHING on him, and still do. And when that wasn't always effective, they just made things up. Hello Dan Rather.

Well as long as you are making up things like "90% of the World hated America", I might as well put the cart back on the track.

Let's see, Obama is pretty much following the same profile in Afghanistan and Iraq that the Bush Administration laid out. Uh, where's all the uproar? Where is the "Obama is a war criminal" and "This is all for oil for Cheney's friends". Huh? Come on, where is all that? Where are the anti-war demonstrations? The wall to wall coverage of Cindy Sheehan? The body counts? Where's all the anti-war and anti-military BS Hollywood films?

As long as we are asking where things are, where exactly is the "closing Guantanomo Bay" promise, and pulling all the troops out within the first year of Obama's presidency? Where's the moral outrage from people like you?

Let's just tell it like it is. A good chunk of the world will ALWAYS hate the US. The jealous. The crazy muslims. The people who live in 9th century sh!tholes, hate women, and hate human rights. And the rest that just naturally fear and hate the world's only Superpower. And on September 12th, the rest of the world was NOT behind us, thank you. There was much partying in the streets and good feelings in many mid-east countries. The countries that never liked us didn't start liking us then, so spin your revisionist history somewhere else.

Over 1/2 this country, in a recent poll, stated they were happier under the Bush Administration. And I bet that number is growing.

For almost 7 years of the Bush Administration, we had unemployment under 6% and a booming economy. How easy to forget the facts, huh.
