I'm Getting The Star Wars Vader PSP...

...tomorrow. The game should kick total arse!!!


I'm getting the game today!!! Tell me how the Vader thing looks, I already have a PSP so...



The Vader silkscreen on the PSP is friggin' beautiful! The PSP itself, besides being white really feels much lighter than my older PSP,and is much thinner too.......Maybe this weekend I might join a clan online....P.S. The game's visuals and just about everything else are a cut above Battlefront 2. My only peeve is ;Why the hell do they keep changing the control configurations from the last game.
anyway....May The Force Be With You,Oraukk!


i bought the vader psp a few days ago!it's fricken amazing!the game's just ok though.campaign mode is uber short,but online play is great...and yes,the psp is way lighter than the original

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