Why so much anal?

Some of the *beep* these guys do is way too homo. The way they stick sh!t up their asses and help put things up their friends asses seems a bit gay to me.


Well, unless one of those things is a penis, it's not gay. It's just childish.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


So...... if someone stuck a dildo up their ass they aren't gay just childish.


No, they aren't gay. Having sex with a man doesn't make you gay. What makes you gay is if you're attracted to men. I'm not saying some of the stuff Jackass guys do is repulsive, as is two men in bed. It just so happens that sex doesn't make you gay. And a Dildo is an inanimate object created for sexual pleasure. It has no bearing on any persons' sexual orientation. If a female takes it up the butt, does that maker her gay? Nope.

Quit being a flipping retard.


Hold on, either you typed it weird, or you just said that having sex with another man isnt gay. Im sorry that might be a qualification for being a homosexual.

I...Drink...your...MILKSHAKE!!! I DRINK IT UP!!!


No no no guys...it's only gay if the testicles are touching. I thought everyone knew this.

It's not enough that I should succeed -- others should fail. -David Merrick.


too homo? lulz

To me Jackass 2.5 is friggin hilarious
