MovieChat Forums > Eater (2007) Discussion > Saw this at the Santa Fe Film Festival

Saw this at the Santa Fe Film Festival

This film was some of the most amazing 18 minutes spent. In my personal opinion it has surpassed the movie Hannibal! However I can't find any information about it online. Would anyone happen to have a link where I might be able to see this again or know if it is available for purchase?


Yes, I know all about this. My wife works with the writer/director's father. So I saw Eater and their first short quite a while ago. And personally, I think they (they are twins brothers) have real talent and will "make it" if they stick with it. They have been into movies and making movies at home since they were 9 yrs old. They remind me of Tarintino in their knowledge of movies, techniques, directors, writers etc. Like I said they have been into it since the first movie they ever saw... Through their father its been quite interesting to learn (some) of the inner workings of the business.

The version NBC did is from the same short story but its not the one you're asking about. Why NBC didn't work with the Duffer boys (well they are young men now, I'm old), is beyond me....I just got off the phone with my wife and she said it was the short story author that insisted this version be the one in IMDB, not the NBC version.

Anyway, if you want a copy send me email at tim*g*waters at mac DOT com (remove the * so my name is all one word) and I will get the request to their father (Allen Duffer, he is the executive producer, ie he paid for it...!). I don't know for sure if its available or if they are "allowed" but I can get you an answer.

