MovieChat Forums > Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) Discussion > This board is full of threads about how ...

This board is full of threads about how good you guys think this film is

I think it's severly annoying to see that every user who comes here has to start a new thread about how good he/she found the movie and that this movie didn't deserved the low rating. Why don't you join the other threads which already has the same title/subject? Is it so hard? It's not like this board has so many threads. I don't want to sound hostile, but it's pretty annoying to see what you're doing and it's actually sort of spamming. I've already tried to
tell you guys, but you won't listen.

And by the way; Some of you has written that I'm just a hater, which are not supposed to come here and bla-bla-bla. That's not true and besides; this isn't exactly just a fan-forum, this is a Official discussion forum, where all opinions are allowed! If you aren't able to realize that, then you have nothing to do here.


ia with everything you said.
but becaquse you dislike this movie we cant be friends


This is not a place for making friends, this is a discussion board. A board to discuss.




And besides, starting a new thread about the same subject, when there are plenty of similar threads, is actually spamming. But I guess you didn't knew that? You're brain isn't capable enough to know that?


And besides, this isn't a fan forum, this is a official forum, where people are allowed to express their thoughts about a movie, whether is good or bad! But I guess you didn't knew that either?



Blah blah blah..if you don't like it don't come here. We all like it and love to express that.

you're a brainless retard for liking a hypocritical movie.


Hypocrite. k thanks.


Hypocrite yourself!!!


How about if you want to talk about brains working then maybe you should work on your grammar....


I'm not a native English speaker.



ia with everything you said.
but becaquse you dislike this movie we cant be friends

So you liked a movie that's about hypocrisy, huh? Good to know :P


Not trying to start a fight here but how is this movie hypocritical?

Fled is that music: - Do I wake or sleep?


Not trying to start a fight here but how is this movie hypocritical?

No worries :)

This movie is hypocritical, cause it tries to convince the message of being true to yourself and to appreciate the simple things in life, yet it doesn't stick to the message at the end.
