Is this an error?

So I was looking at Tyra Bank's profile a couple days ago and in the trivia section it mentioned she wore a size 9 shoe. In the very first episode of Hannah Montana, Miley mentions that she wears a 5. However, she was a few years younger than she is in this movie, and I know people grow. Is it possible her shoe size grew that much? I don't remember what size I wore when I was 13, but I want to be sure. It doesn't really matter, but it's going to bug me til I figure it out.

Remember that four fingers point back at you when you point one at me.


The shoes are for Lily. She says my best friend is a size 6, and Tyra responds by saying her best friend is a size 6 too.
But that's not odd, I was a size 6 as a teen and now as an adult. Mystery solved.
