Millionaires Against Materialism...

Are funny.



KIAI ... please.


I couldn't help but notice the not-so-subtle contradiction there too. Most people have regular people problems, the daily grind and insecurity of the rat race...Harrison had the luxury (before he even turned 30) to wander around, get high and explore alternate ways to perceive the universe.

I can't criticize him too much, because he seemed like a genuine person and was clearly well loved by his friends...but I did notice that contradiction.


"materialism" doesn't just mean having a lot of stuff - it also means being so attached to your belongings & sensual pleasures in the material world.


Anyone who talks against materialism is always opening themselves up for criticism. If they don't have money then the easy criticism is that they wouldn't complain about material things if they could afford them and that they are just rationalizing being broke. If they are wealthy then they become an easy target for being a hypocrite.

People can be wealthy without being materialistic. I don't think any of the Beatles got into music because they wanted to become rich, becoming rich was what happened because they were successful.

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


Like many people George Harrisonhad his contradictions. He did struggle between the spiritual and the material. Many of us do. The important thing to remember is that he was able to embrace his spiritual side. Also as a rich musician, he was generous, at times to a fault. I see George as a person that used his wealth for good instead of evil, unlike many who forget the human factor after they obtain material wealth.


That's a bit simplistic, really (and done many times before). You sort of have to get rich to purchase the idle time in which to escape the rat race, explore your spiritual side, to write music, books or whatever. In short you have to have financial backing to sit around and find yourself.

Most of us are too caught up in the daily grind to avoid materialism; and in partaking in the grind we have consumerism shoved down our throats anyway. You need means to escape this. The only other alternative to escaping materialism is to be dirt poor and live on the streets, in which case you'd be scorned for not getting a job. And that life would be bollocks anyway.


i dont think you need a massive house and expensive holidays to be spiritual. he still liked excess imo or he would have given those extra things up


well actually he gave one huge house away, Bhaktivedanta Manor


Being wealthy does not mean that one subscribes to a materialist view of the world.


If the taxman takes 95/100 of the total, I wouldn't complain about the rich one.

Reality television spoils fiction.


Of course he enjoyed his wealth and fame, he would be a fool not too considering his humble upbringing, watching his parents struggle.
