
Awwww. Bobby almost got away but his wife nutcase Tracy had to ruin it.. She was crazy. Why did the friend help and did they kill Meryl? I couldn't hear what she told the asian family because dumb scifi had it pushed to the side and was playing some dumb preview.


What made no sense to me is why didn't they just leave, like together? I mean he's all "I have to get Tracey out first" Okay well clearly you had a plan to get her somewhere safe why not you also go? Then call the cops, show them the weird ass contract, explain to them the cameras in all the houses, all the other stuff you they would go arrest these people very easily? If not, file restraining orders, change your name, and get out together. It made no sense for him to send her out then plan to leave later I guess giving them a better chance at getting caught? Like what the hell?
