
I am of the 'if you can't say anything nice school of thought don't say anything at all' but i have got to say the pacing SUCKED! Can anyone defend it?
I am not artsy, so it just left me befuddle.
I am glad I saw the film, it was a great illustration but gosh durn did we really NEED to see them playing stickball? 20mins could've have easily been shaved off the film.


I took the stickball scenes as their way of demonstrating that "farming" these days has gotten so simplified and mechanized that there's not much to it anymore. They had so much free time, they were saying, in effect, "what else could we do?" In the early 20th century, even their one acre of corn would have required much of their time....sowing, planting, weeding, harvesting, shucking, etc.


Makes sense thanks.


I also wonder if the stickball was a nod to Field of Dreams. At least the last shot of the film was very Field of Dreams-ish.


