Girl on webcam..

With the whole *I Love You* BS..She deserved to witness her boyfriend get a bullet - and if that happened, it would of been her fault. Her constant need to hear her boyfriend say i love you, and getting upset when he COULDNT say it back was ridiculous on her part - something called a hostage going on at the moment stupid woman.



I agree - Geo should have copped one in the head when the baldie hijacker spotted the laptop. Geo was a jerk and his girl was a skanky cooze.

Awww I am a world-hater today! I do it just to watch their f----n' expression change.



I agree - so stupid and selfish! Do you think he didn't initially want to say it back because it was being broadcasted and everyone was watching? I mean, beside the whole hostage thing, clearly! I just had that thought when watching the scene..


I think that scene was meant as comic relief.


I liked this movie, especially because it had Travolta but the inclusion of the scenes with this chick talking to her boyfriend dumbed this flick down somewhat. (There were a couple of other dumb things in this movie besides this , I know). However, this girl could of got this guy killed and their scenes came off as so immature. I know the movie is aiming for certain demographics but give me a break. Denzel was excellent as usual in his role and Travolta was overacting somewhat but I still enjoyed his performance. I just really like him anyway. The movie ran at a good pace and held my complete attention the whole time.


agreed. and when he finally did say it, it was an "I f'in love you." such lame dialogue


Yeah but she was hot.


Yeah the "I f'in love youuu" was so retarded. Those airheads would be broken up within 2 weeks time. Love... LOL.


That whole scene was a waste. I thought the laptop would play a bigger part in the plot of the movie but apparently it was just to emasculate the boyfriend.


So did I. They did use it to figure out who Ryder was though.



Thank you OP! I wanted someone to find her and shoot her. That had to be the dumbest storyline to date.

I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood


I don't remember when Transformers 2 came out. (either before or after this movie).
but that "I love you crap" and how the guy didn't want to admit his feelings reminded me of the exact same BS that was in TF2.
It didn't work in either movie.
