So did he take the bribe??

I know Garber said he took it, and how he spent it etc but do you think he just said that to save that kid from being shot or did he really take the bribe off the japanese?? i'd like to think that if he'd taken a $35,000 bribe he's have sprung for a full gallon of milk not just a half gallon lol


I'm pretty sure that was a full gallon at the end! But seriously though, I don't think he took the bribe as he was clearly forced into the “confession” by a gun pointed at the head of a hostage. Though interestingly Mayor Soprano's was talking about city “batting” for him could mean that recent events have more than compensated for pass indiscretions so it could mean that he did. This is not the first time Denzel has been under investigation for misconduct; do you remember “The Inside Man”?


And don't forget "Ricochet" with John Lithgow setting him up with the prostitute/drugs etc.


Good question on the top - Did he take a bribe, or not. There was no answer on it in the movie, but there is a moment, when one of officers said something about "this man just confessed he is criminal" or sth. It was stupid, because no one would take it serious there, cause it was a forced confession! :/


1/2 gallon. They don't make 1 gallon cartons.

Example of senility.


if he really cared he'd find the 1 gallon carton!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


How can you find something that does not exist?

Example of senility.


just say no.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


But they don't need the full gallon. Half gallon will be just fine.



Yes he took the bribe, Ryder choose him specifically because he thought they were both the same deep down and he wanted to cut him a break, Ryder had a good hunch that the mayor would drop the charges after all that he'd been through that day.

Of course if he would have got away with it the money would have been a nice perk too ofcourse lol.


It was my impression that he took the bribe.


Don't think he took it. I mean Ryder asked him how is wife reacted and I remember correctly he answered like he had told her. Plus he said he used to the money to finance his children's school expenses and his wife would probably have insight to those accounts. In the movie the wife didn't know about the charges so...


How could she not have known of the charges when John Travolta googled it so easily? It probably was in the papers as well so she must have known about it.

I remember him saying "they won't find any proof". I think the answer is left in the middle on purpose. To say they won't find any proof may be the reaction of an innocent man or of a guilty man who got rid of the proof.


I think he did take it cause I remember him an Travolta talking about how he got bribed to recommend the train he was going to recommend anyway.


Yes, he gave that as a reason but it could still have been talk to save the boy.


I would of liked to see denzel and john travolta go at it in the end.


To me it seemed like he was telling the truth; he was under so much pressure from Ryder and to be making something like that up AND sounds convincing seems impossible to me. Although he might just be a damn good lyer


You are very easily convinced.

Denzel's character purposely stutters and sputters the whole way, like he's unsure of what to say next, and when questioned further on it in the train cabin, he seems completely surprised at the idea, and, again, even with no witnesses other than the gun-toting psycho, shows the same sputtering, stuttering confusion.

Either we're to believe that Denzel was having trouble remembering his lines on a single-take movie, or he purposely fumbled them to express their dishonesty.

It seems far less likely that he'd have waited so long and fumbled so poorly if he was guilty, rather than unsure of what to make up next to preserve the safety of himself and others.


I think he probably did take the bribe, but because he was portrayed as basically an honest man with flaws - he would have justified it it (and the audience can therefore justify it) because he said the Japanese had the best train and he was going to recommend them anyway. So it was a victimless crime, but one that clearly preyed enough on his conscience to make it correct when Ryder asked if he came to the train 'to redeem' himself.


Like... sexually?


The wife knew about the charges. When she called to tell him the police where at the house wanting to search it, she asked, "Is this about the investigation?"


I think he did. Writer Brian Helgeland stated that he tried to present the two characters as being very similar. In this case, they both dabbled on the wrong side of the law and got caught. To fulfill this theme, Garber took the bribe.

'Before this war is over, the world will know that few stood against many.' - 300


I think there are clues on both sides (so we are supposed to guess).

He didn't do it:
1) His wife seemed to really think he was innocent, no (at the first phone call she said something like "I knew it!")? Or, at least, she didn't seem to know about the 35k. This contradicts Denzel's story... so it would seem he was lying to Travolta.
2) He actually bought only half a gallon of milk... so he still has money problems.
3) He was forced to lie to save the kid.
4) His current boss, who could be his main accuser, was stupid.

He did it:
A) The chat with the Mayor at the end.
B) Travolta is too smart to be lied at. He KNEW, just by looking at his eyes.
C) Denzel chased John at the just to get a share of the money. However, things got pretty ugly and he couldn't save him.

In the end, if you ask me, I think he didn't do it. Main reason: 4) When has Denzel Wasington played a bad man?

...ok, besides American Gangster (but he wasn't THAT bad in the end).

(heh I just sounded like Monty Phyton in "Life of Brian" when they discuss how much they hate the romans)


er did you miss Training Day mate?
I am sure he did it. Not a big deal like he said cuz he was already going to pick the Japanese trains before taking the bribe.. He would not have been able to make all that up so quickly when he was on the spot like that. Checkmate pal.


Alright I grant you Training Day and American Gangster are two movies where Denzel has played the bad guy...

But apart from Training Day and American Gangster, WHEN has Denzel played the bad guy?

(sorry, couldn't resist)


When you are accused of something like that, your imagination will wander. I'm sure he had thought about what he would have done with the money. So, it wasn't "off the cuff". If he did it, why did he try so hard to get Ryder?


Yeah, this is a difficult one. I really liked Denzel's character, so I don't want to believe he took the bribe, but when he confessed he was crying as well, which makes me think it might have been true.






I would say he almost definetaly took the bribe. The tears in garbers eyes suggest he was ashamed but guilty nonetheless.
