MovieChat Forums > Her Only Child (2008) Discussion > I missed the last 30 minutes of it, can ...

I missed the last 30 minutes of it, can someone *spoil* the ending?

I saw up until the mother tries to poison the dog in an attempt to bring her daughter home again. Does the dog survive?
What happens after that?

Thanks in advance!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


The dog is fine, the boyfriend called a vet friend who came over and treated the dog. Then took the dog for observation thank goodness!
Sadly I missed the rest after that so I dont know how it ended.

do we have to go right now, i want to watch the scary monky show
(ps i knoe i spell realy bad)


After that, the daughter (Lilly?) got to thinking about her old boyfriend and looked him up. She went to go visit him at his job at a car dealership and they talked about their abrupt breakup. The ex-boyfriend I think his name was Michael said that one night he was badly beaten up by some men who threatened him if he ever say Lilly again. Lilly decides to move out of the house into the boyfriend Larry's house and confronts her mom and basically tells her mom that she is behind every relationship that falls apart & that she would not be surprised if her mother was behind Michael's assault. Mom falls apart, packs up all her meds and then goes to her job and takes a handgun out of the safe in her boss' office. She goes to the Larry's house confronts the two of them and says she's going to take Lilly home and pulls the gun. The boyfriend wrests the gun from her (the safety lock was on), she runs into the bathroom,locks the door and starts swallowing pills. Boyfriend breaks down the door and Lilly stops her. Flashforwad, mom is in mental facility and appears to doing much better & will be leaving soon. Lilly has been promoted to the head of the claims dept. Mother seems calmer more secure. They hug and say goodbye and Lilly leaves with the boyfriend.

