20, 000 sold? Ouch. lol

I cant believe they only sold 20,000 records in their first week. I know everyones going to jump on me, but Danity Kane debuted at 234,662 their first week. lol



You probably skimmed the wiki but those are Canadian numbers and thus considered to be strong debut sales. Thanks.



Yea. Nijonas, Canadian sales are different from here, 20,000 copies is alot of copies for them


Exactly! Some peepl just can't learn

Shut up and bleed.



You still dont get it. CANADA =20,000 Sold = good. I live in Canada. I would know.



Their album releases in only 3 weeks here in the U.S., so unless they perform some kind of miracle, they're going to flop here. Unfortunately, of course. But, then again they might not because their album is releasing a week after PCDs, so lets expect some major coattail riding. lol


