Byron Deidra

Uh, same letters as Adrien Brody. Doh!

Find them white, make them red, leave them blue





Seriously, if it turns out that Brody is the killer, that just totally shoots all Argento's remaining cred to shreds.





yeah - my next door neighbour at Frightfest tried to spin me a yarn about how he was an unknown Italian actor who'd actually got this terrible skin disease and liver problems and he'd died soon after shooting. I immediately called massive BS and he assured me that he'd read that was totally true. I said BS BS BS BS BS - that sounds just like the kinda BS that some idiot PR would cook up to try and sell a piece of sh*t movie like Giallo.

It was so obviously Brody in very bad make up!!

Finally my neighbour a few seats along on the other side, just said "that's an anagram of Adrien Brody too..." and that kinda settled it. I think it seemed like a bit too much of a coincidence that a man with a great physical resemblance to Brody and who had a name that was an anagram of his, just happened to be in town, acting in this film with his final breaths!

If I'd been Adrien Brody I'd have used an anagram for all my various credits on this. I have officially zero respect for him as an actor following this.


In my opinion the idea is not so bad, because Brody is more or less slightly recognizable behind the mask (his nose is a bit to remarkable, to cover the fact), but not in a way, you are totally sure about.
Especially when both characters meet each other, you are quite confused and think: 'Damn, I was so sure, it's Brody.'
And there are several traces, which lead to Avolfi being the killer...
The main problem is, the mask itself is not very scary, but this is not a problem about the double role.

Actually the worst about this movie is, it didn't end with Brodys last scene. The last scene with the cop finding the girl is totally useless and kitshy. It's possible to ruin a whole movie with the wrong ending.


You can tell it's Brody the first time the killer opens his mouth to speak.
Also, no one on earth has a nose like Brody, even under heavy makeup.
