MovieChat Forums > Giallo (2011) Discussion > He got paid $960K and he's still crying ...

He got paid $960K and he's still crying like a baby

Because he wants $1.5M not just $0.96M.
While the rest of the world is unemployed or in poverty this guy says $960,000 for 1 month of work isn't enough for him.
I say ALL his money should be taken away and given to the poor peeople of the world.


Imagine someone agreed to pay you $50 an hour for doing your job; and you signed the contracts and shook hands.

Then you worked for a month expecting $50 an hour.

But when you got your paycheque you find you'd only been paid $10 an hour.


...are you telling me you would just shrug and say, "ah well, the rest of the world is unemployed, I may as well let these people screw me over"?


That's the difference. It wasn't $50. It was in millions. I can't believe someone be so darn greedy. Even the 960K he did get should be given all to charity.
The producers are idiots for even agreeing to pay him more than $200/day because he obviously isn't going to cause the movie to succeed as he is not an actor people who go to see a movie for. He may be good in supporting roles but I would never ever see a movie because he was in it.


I hate people like you who think everyone who gets lots of money should automatically donate it to charity. It's their money, they earned it, they should do what they want to do with it. Poor people are poor because they have no motivation to do anything with their lives and don't deserve crap even though they expect it. Actors and rich people work for their money, poor people just ask for it like they have a right to.


It is Brody's RIGHT to claim the money that the producers agreed in CONTRACT to pay him but didn't.

Your rant makes no sense.



Producers agreed to pay him $1.5 million, then paid him less that $1 million. Regardless of the situation else where in the world the producers are wrong. Brody earned his pay, they now have to honour the contract.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


So answer me this. If the producers agreed to pay him 100 TRILLION TRILLION dollars but only ended up paying him 10 BILLION, should he still be upsent and sue the produces for not paying him the 100 TRILLION TRILLION?

You see what I mean? The figures don't make sense in this day and age when most people are unemployed or starving.


The financial figure is irrelevant, whether it was 10 cents or $1.5 million. They have breached an agreement and Adrien Brody has every rite to contest this.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


Again - I totally agree with the concept of breaching agreement. But when the figures are so ridiculous that people literally don't have food for their children for one meal in half of the world - then when someone says oh i just want another Trillion my previous Trillion isn't enough - it doesn't make sense in this day and age.


The ridiculous fee that actors receive is a totally different argument and has no relation on Brody only receiving two thirds of his fee.

If Brody only wanted $100 do you think the remaining $1,499,900 would have gone to help starving children? I'm guessing little to none of it would.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


If Brody only took $100 and said I want to give the remaining to charity. THEN when he didn't get it, it would be different. But the greedy sod wants trillions and trillions, because one trillion isn't enough.


That is not what I wrote, and you know it. The point I was making was not about actors donating fees to charity. If actors take smaller fees how much of the money they could have earned would go to help the less well of?

It's all very well banging on about Brody taking action because he was only paid two thirds of his fee, money that he earned and is entitled to receive. For all you or I know Brody was planning to donate that money to a good cause. That is beside the point. Brody was contracted to earn $1.5 million. What you or I think about what actors earn is irrelevant. If they do not receive that agreed fee they are entitled to take legal action.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink


I know for a goddamn fact he doesn't want a trillion dollars.


'I know for a goddamn fact he doesn't want a trillion dollars.'

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!



Why not condemn the producers' greed? They're actually going back on a promise to keep money for themselves.



You sound like a pathetically absurd textbook communist... If he signed an agreement with the producers to act in the movie for $1.5 M that's what he should be paid... It's not his fault that governments throughout the world are worth crap and can't deal with the economic crises they themselves caused.




So, if you signed a contract to do work for 1.5 mil and only got paid 960k you would shrug it off? Give me a break, that's 540k. You would be pissed as well. Just because it's a large amount doesn't make it right.

We made a land where crap is king, and the good don't last too long.


Brody should pay US for having to sit through that pile of crap.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


Nobody forced you to sit through it. You could have walked out/turned it off whenever you wanted. You thought this movie was garbage, but you chose to watch it all the way through, so it's your problem if you didn't like it.

We made a land where crap is king, and the good don't last too long.
