MovieChat Forums > Open Season 2 (2008) Discussion > Why are they making another one?

Why are they making another one?

The first movie was panned by critics and didn't even recover it's budget back, so why make another movie? That movie deserved sequels the same way Gigli and Glitter deserved sequels.

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.


Dude, shut up! I had enough with your crap about OS and other movies you're dissing! It's pissing everyone off! Now me, I'm a big fan of OS but I'm fairly more disapointed hearing that they want to make it about Mr. Weenie. Open Season may not be that popular but at least it did fine at the box office, beating out The Guardian.

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.



Really? Go to Only 13% of the major critics recommended it (and even that percent though it was avergae at best). Here are quotes that explain it's true awfulness:

"Les Mayfield establishes himself as the Uwe Boll of 3-D animation."
—John Beifuss, Commercial Appeal

"Why has Sony released this embarrassment—whose quality would be dubious for a direct-to-video release—into theatres?"
—James Berardinelli, ReelViews

"More than a Madagascar rip-off... The only things missing here are the penguins."
—Kevin Carr, 7M Pictures

"The film's few moments of hilarity are no less welcome for being completely unintended..."
—Jeannette Catsoulis, New York Times

"Fears that Mayfield's animation debut would be the sequel to Over The Hedge nobody wanted prove unwarranted. It's the sequel to Madagascar that nobody wanted."
—Walter Chaw, Film Freak Central

"For those who love the animation genre known as CGI—and I count myself in their number—sitting through Open Season will suck the will to live right out of you."
—Chauncey Mabe, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

"DreamWorks should sue their sorry plagiarist asses..."
—James O'Ehley, Sci-Fi Movie Page

"If you took all the anima;-centred movies ever made, and counted the good ones on your fingers, I bet you'd still have enough fingers left over to flip off Open Season as you walked groaning from the theatre."
—Eric D. Snider,

"Laughably bad, mind-bogglingly derivative, and easily one of the worst movies of the year."
—Pete Vonder Haar, Film Threat

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.




I agree with Ewan, those are just the critcs' opinions. Now me, I don't care what they say. Just because they say a movie is good or not, that doesn't mean that's true. It's up to the people out there in the world if they wanna see it or not. They shouldn't be listening to what people say just because they thought about it differently. I know it sounds crazy for me to say that, but I believe that's true. But I'm a totally different person who reacts honestly. I try to avoid people dissing the good movies, but I can't stand the way they go and flame them. There are fans out here you know.

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


Well, my buddy here speaks differently, as you'll see in a moment.

French servant: Jimmy! (claps 3 times) Monsieur Helmick wants his backup! NOW!

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.



You're full of it, crazyrat.

Critics have seen a HELL of a lot more (not to mention varied) movies than you and "moviefangirl" or whatever the hell her name is.

This is a discussion site. The guy has a right to his opinion. If you disagree, back it up with facts. Summarily dismissing an opinion simply because a CRITIC made it is stupid fanboy nonsense. Critics are trusted professionals who many of us THOUGHTFUL filmgoers appreciate, especially when we're learning about the craft of film production.

You don't care what critics think? Fine. The playpen is down the hall.

So you can take your immature, unverified opinions somewhere else...because this site is for people who actually have some standards beyond "I liked it, it was sooooo cute".

Grow up. Rotten Tomatoes and sites like it exist for a reason...they provide a HELL of a lot better critical consensus than some guy who's stupid enough to admit he actually saw Two Weeks Notice.

Oh by the way...The Heartbreak Kid's a real piece of s***. Too bad someone didn't warn you about it, you could have saved yourself some money. riendid=29663098


He's right, you know.

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.


That's Open_Season_Fangirl5000 stupid face, I am NOT just some dumb old regular member by the name of Moviefangirl, get my username right! If I were you, I wouldn't stick up for Ebertfan. He's NOT the greatest guy to hang out with. He's a big fat ugly ass troll! I don't pay attention to what the bad stuff the critics say about movies cause on commericals they give out good comments like for example "Best Picture of the Year" or whatever. They're lucky they even get the chance to see the movies first before the fans do.

And don't be talking rude to us JimLoneWolf, sure we may have different point of views on stuff, but that doesn't give you the right to go dissing on innocent people like me or CrazyRemyRat. And don't call us immmature! We're smarter than that. The only thing that's immature right now is you pesky trolls so you better leave me and CrazyRemyRat out of this! We got better things to do than to pick a fight with you darn idiots all day!

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.




Arrogant and ignorant is no way to go through this. Besides, Jimmy has great taste. Check out his favorites on myspace:

Music: The White Stripes, Ben Folds, Ryan Adams, Belle and Sebastian, Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, Pavement, Beck, The Flaming Lips, The Pixies, The Streets, The Grateful Dead, Phish, Wilco, Elvis Costello, The Dandy Warhols, Radiohead, Outkast, Coldplay, Interpol, Kanye West, The Arcade Fire, Bright Eyes, Wu-Tang Clan, Queens of the Stone Age, Weezer, Talking Heads, Pearl Jam, The Beatles, The Who, Zeppelin, Kings of Leon, Iggy Pop/The Stooges, The Clash, Violent Femmes, PJ Harvey, Franz Ferdinand, Built to Spill, Sleater-Kinney, The Libertines/Pete Doherty, Modest Mouse, Roxy Music, My Morning Jacket, Johnny Cash, Air, Sigur Ros, Pink Floyd, The Smiths, Jimmy Cliff, Bob Marley, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, The Fiery Furnaces, Secret Machines, Cat Power, Imogen Heap, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Shout Out Louds, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, The Replacements, Gomez, Oysterhead, Pulp, Steve Earle, Sonic Youth, Neil Young, The Kinks

Movies: Children of Men, Borat, Casino Royale, Lady Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Little Miss Sunshine, A Scanner Darkly, The Departed, Le Samourai, Pan's Labyrinth, The General (officially the best movie ever made), United 93, KILL BILL, Vampyros Lesbos, Syriana, The Streetfighter, Boogie Nights, Grizzly Man, American Movie, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Magnolia, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Sin City, City of God, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Eyes Without a Face, Un Chien Andalou, Viridiana, 40-Year Old Virgin, The Rules of the Game, Rashomon, Yojimbo, Seven Samurai, 8 1/2, Juliet of the Spirits, Amarcord, Wild Strawberries, The Seventh Seal, The Virgin Spring, Last House on the Left, Band A Parte, Breathless, Contempt, The 400 Blows, Jules and Jim, Shoot the Piano Player, This is Spinal Tap, Repulsion, Rosemary's Baby, The Tenant, Knife in the Water, Bad Timing, Macbeth, Sleepy Hollow, Edward Scissorhands, Plan Nine from Outer Space, Black Sunday, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind, The Wild Bunch, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Kwaidan, Carnival of Souls, Nosferatu, La Strada, L'Avventura, Blow Up, The Bird with the Crystal Plummage, Notorious, Vertigo, anything by Hitchcock and DePalma, For a Few Dollars More, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Jaws, Batman (first one), Batman Begins, Memento, The Last Temptation of Christ, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Eraserhead, Raising Arizona, Fargo, The Big Lebowski (Coen Bros. Rock!), Pink Floyd: The Wall, Stranger than Paradise, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, Donnie Darko, Repo Man, Buffalo 66, Dazed and Confused, Slacker, Waking Life, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Chungking Express, The Happiness of the Katakuris, Ichi the Killer, Black Society Trilogy, High Tension, Hostel, Wolf Creek, Audition, Dead or Alive (I-III), Visitor Q, Out of Sight, The Limey, Traffic, Italian horror films, Bad Taste, Dead Alive, Brazil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, American Beauty, Three Kings, Oldboy, Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Napoleon Dynamite, Garden State, A Clockwork Orange, 2001 (really anything by Kubrick), Switchblade Sisters, Coffey, Shogun Assassin, Fight Club, Se7en, Spiderman 2, Trainspotting, Requiem for a Dream, Drugstore Cowboy, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Animal House, Vacation, Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, Flirting with Disaster, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Godfather I and II, SW (original trilogy and "Sith"), Indiana Jones (all), and on and on. I like it all.

Television: I don't watch all that much TV, but I love these shows: Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Sopranos, The Office (British one rules but American one is good too), Ali G Show (please come back!!), Real Time w/Bill Maher, The Daily Show, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Masters of Horror, Monty Python, The League of Gentlemen, Arrested Development.

Books: The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Prometheus Rising, Catcher in the Rye, High Fidelity, Fight Club, Lord of the Rings, early Dark Tower books, anything by James Joyce except Finnegans Wake, Poe, Bleak House, Middlemarch, The Cyberiad, Slaughterhouse V, Naked Lunch, anything by Hunter S. Thompson, anything by Frank Miller and Alan Moore, The Sandman, Macbeth, The Saragossa Manuscript. Up Next: The Fountainhead, Zen &; the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Heroes: JIM JARMUSCH, Quentin Tarantino, Eli Roth, Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, William Shakespeare, Richard Linklater, Paul Thomas Anderson, Kevin Smith, Robert Rodriguez, Lars Von Trier, Kurt Vonnegut, Hunter S. Thompson, William S. Burroughs, Bob Dylan, Jack White, my family, various brilliant college professors, God. Oh, and elbrucerino!!

That should teach you lesson next time any of you go up against someone like him.

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.



ewan, ewan, ewan. Picking on the mentally challenged, like always.

I've never been on any animation fansite or Madagascar fan community! Someone did use my name! Why would I post on a community to a movie I didn't even like? And someone did use my name on the Hillbilly Hell board! I know, becuase that one guy kept arguing that I wasn't the real ebertfan!

PS: Just so you know, my petition to ban Fear_Asterion got more signatures than any of those pathetic petitions to ban me!

PPS: I'm actually in the midst of writing 3 screenplays and a novel. What have you done to equal that?

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.



I was not on any of those boards! Those are imposters trying to make fun of me! None of them know anything about me!

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.


Yeah right! Don't use your sweet talk to us Ebertfan. You're making that up! I was a member of the Madagascar fan Community by the username of Zack and I was the first one to have notice you join, but luckily, the admin Joel had your account remove....or maybe you did. I can't remember who got your account remove, but I certainly do remember you were there before. And the HillBilly Cars forum, well...I wasn't a member of that fourm, but I did read that you were posting a bunch of crap on that poor forum. Like Ewan said, you give critics a bad name! If I were you, I'd stay away cause no matter what you say to me or my pal Ewan, you won't pull us down no matter what! You hurt a lot of innocent people, including our friend Nima, and there's no way we're going down without a fight...if this were a fight. So why don't you go *beep* YOURSELF OFF TO HELL YOU EVIL BASTARD!

I may not give the Open Season sequel a chance if the Mr. Weenie story plot is kept, but don't even bother wasting your *beep* load here on this forum! I'm not gonna let you treat us like dirt if I had to come over to your house and stab you on your little *beep* body you worthless son of a bitch. PISS OFF!

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


But I've never been on any of these forums! Why would I be stupid enough to post on a fanforum for a movie I don't even like? And besides, I was only on the Hillbilly Hell forum because of impostors! And don't talk to me like that! I am a Christian man, and Christians do not deserve this treatment! You want my house address? Here it is:

5920 North Smith

And my phone number:


PS: Do you see this username? You know what that means? A fan of Roger Ebert, born in 1992. And you can't piss on fans of Roger Ebert! IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!
-Albert Walker.

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.


I don't piss off a critic! How is pissing off a fan of someone against the law? There's nothing like that in the law book. And I never said anything that invole Christmas. Please don't bring up the holidays. It's got nothing to do what we're talking about. You're a troll, PERIOD! You just won't admit it cause you're a jackass!

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


CHRISTIANS! CHRISTIANS! Descended after Jesus Christ! And I never was a troll! And that quote came from my friend Albert, so you will have to tell him that!

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.


Sorry, I saw christmas there when you posted that eariler. I didn't know that was edited, but.....wait a minute, why am I aplogizing to you? You owned a big aplogizy to everyone you treated badly in all the boards, that inclues the Open Season and Madagascar board too!! If you weren't a troll, why did you go waste your lifetime treating everyone bad?

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


I never wasted my lifetime treating anyone bad! And besides, you forgot that I have received many friends on the film general boards.

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.




I never lied in my entire life! And besides, how many times do I have to tell you, I NEVER WENT ON ANY OF THOSE BOARDS! They are impostors!

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.



I am just trying to point out the fact that ebertfan is a blithering idiot who never shuts the hell up until he has won an arguement always going on about his precious critics

I laughed out loud when I read this. These boards are ABOUT discussion/debate. If it's too much for you to simply defend your opinion without attacking someone else for theirs, why the hell are you here?

You DO have a right to be here, and so does ebertfan, and so do I.

It seems the only people whose opinions AREN'T welcome here are (indirectly, of course) professional film critics! That makes no sense.

Do yourselves a favor if you REALLY like film, start reading movie reviews and books on film analysis/criticism. That doesn't mean you have to AGREE with a word of it, but pretending that critics are no more qualified to offer their opinions than YOU (or me) is immature. The only reason I'm in a position to "judge" critics' reviews is because I've been reading them (and taking film seriously) for about 15 years. If I had never read critics before, you BET I'd take their opinions more seriously than my own...because they have an understanding of film history, trends, formulas, genres, and craft/composition that is RARE among "casual" filmgoers.

If it wasn't for purchasing Roger Ebert's 1992 Movie Home Companion, I'd probably still be watching trashy horror flicks and not much else...and telling other people that I knew as much as any critic. And you know what? I'd be full of it. Hell, I'd probably still be seeing movies for the ACTORS when almost everyone with any REAL understanding of cinema as an art form knows that it's the writer/director who usually determines a particular film's quality.

I'm less concerned with attacking the two of you than I am in DEFENDING ebertfan's right to state his opinion without being attacked for it.

You may not like him popping up and splashing cold water on the mediocre films you like, but that doesn't make him WRONG, does it.

Sometimes, the truth hurts. Don't blame the messenger. riendid=29663098


(in ghetto speak) tha's wat im talkin' 'bout!

(in gangster voice) You messa with me, Jimmy's gonna messa with you!

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.



CrazyRemyRat has a point there JimLoneWolf, but if you say you're gonna support Ebertfan all the way, that would make you a troll too cause you're not understanding what we're trying to tell you here and the way you were dissing to me eariler shows that you got no respect what so ever about us!

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


Well, I'm not on those other boards am I?

I'm on this one, and all I see here is a harmless post about how a sequel is unneccessary. I remember the original being savaged by critics when it came out, and whether you like it or not, these kinds of films rub some people the wrong way...mainly because people act like they are "critic-proof" by hiding behind the "it's for kids" tagline.

Ebertfan started this thread, you've decided to post here. I get it, you like this franchise. But since when is that reason to suggest these movies can't be criticized?

By the way: Madagascar, another lousy CGI film for kids. And people have a right to say that. This site is supposed to be about serious film discussion/criticism. At least that's why I'm here. If something sucks, we should have the right to say it without being attacked.

Let me tell you something else, being a troll doesn't mean going to message boards and criticizing movies. Being a troll means compulsively stalking USERS of the IMDb. I should know, I had one bugging me for nearly a year. Until Ebertfan starts following you around IMDb, commenting on every movie you like and every subject you post about, I'd be careful about calling him a troll. He's backing up his opinion with critical consensus. Rotten Tomatoes has the first Open Season at 48% Fresh...that means 52% of critics consider it "below average".

I think Ebertfan wins this round. riendid=29663098


You still don't get it do you JimLoneWolf? Ebertfan92 doesn't deserve to win anything here. I can't believe you're the only one who supports him! What in the world are you thinking?! And no...Madagascar wasn't that lousy! I happen to like it. And I don't know if you notice, but most PG rated CGI movies are starting attract older kids instead of the little ones. Why? Let me put it down in an easy way. In Bee Movie, there's one scene where you see two human girls smoking outside and the smoke is going through the movie....SMOKING! In an computer animated flick! Do you believe that?! In all my years, I've grow up watching good old movies for a very long, long time. But now these days, I'm guessing that people want to get older kids' attention by putting stuff normal animated movies wouldn't use....including language like the word crap. They use crap word before in Open Season and Surf's Up. Also, another thing shock me the most. In Ratatouille, there's one part in the film where Skinner says to Linguni "Welcome to hell." Since when does a disney movie use the term hell?! I also notice they used it before too in The Hunchback of Norte Dame when Frollo was singing the Hellfire song, that one still counts for the term hell cause it's use as part of the song. Do I make myself clear?

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


Contrary to what you may believe, animated films can appeal to adults as well as children. Since when does a film being computer generated mean it MUST ascribe to "family-friendly" preconditions?

This is the kind of obtuse thinking that brought down Disney. Try watching some anime once in awhile (I'm not talking about cheap, television anime, I'm talking about serious, adult anime like Ghost in the Shell or Grave of the Fireflies), and maybe you'll realize that animation (CG or otherwise) COULD very well appeal to adults...if visionaries took a chance on it.

Instead, we get Madagascar: poorly animated, poorly written, and all too familiar. You liked it? I'm glad, but I'd liketo get an animated film I can enjoy and I'm still waiting. I'm not saying we should do away with animated movies about talking animals, but give it a rest already! Didn't you learn anything from The Incredibles? That was the best animated film ever made (yes, better than Toy Story 2, which before you bite my head off, I also liked) for the simple reason that it didn't PRETEND to appeal to adults (like the overrated Shrek movies featuring overrated Mike Myers ONCE AGAIN whipping out the overrated "Scottish voice" he's done countless times before). Instead, it actually DELIVERED on the promise of being a "family-friendly" movie that didn't insult the intelligence of mature viewers. We need more films like that, and we aren't getting them from anyone besides Brad Bird and John Lasseter.

Have you seen a Hayao Miyazaki film? THAT is how you make an animated movie...not Brother Bear. Unrelated, but I'm actually looking forward to seeing Surf's Up simply to see Jeff Bridges' voice work. So I have nothing against these kinds of movies...I just wish they'd start using the amazing technology to make something for adults. Beowulf is a step in the right direction...but when are we going to get an R rated CGI film?

Why shouldn't we? Can't older viewers like animation too? Bee Movie wasn't the right place to show smoking, but the whole "uproar" about smoking in movies is ridiculous to begin with, and it should NOT be banned from animated films simply because they are animated. You get what YOU want out of these films, why shouldn't viewers like myself and Ebertfan get some movies for US?

As for him stalking you, I was unaware of this. I'm not sticking up for him in that regard and if he IS doing this, I hope he stops. There's no excuse for stalking other IMDb users, regardless of disagreeing with them...lets keep the focus on the FILMS. That's what this site is about. From my previous experiences he seems a pretty fair-minded person, and maybe you guys got a little personal yourselves. He seems an "equal opportunity criticizer" to me...and a look at his profile shows that he has PLENTY of stuff that he LIKES. But if he's bothering you, he should stop...and so should you (on threads like this). Period.

That being said, I'm not defending him on those other threads. He started this thread, and it seems you are doing the exact same thing you accuse him of doing. You obviously checked his history and came here specifically to take issue with his opinion. It takes two to tango. Why not just let his opinion stand and respectfully disagree...instead of saying he has no legitimacy because he's posted about these movies before. Does a negative opinion about Halloween 7 become dispensable because the same person disliked Halloween 4? They were both awful! And I still don't get the anti-critic bias in your original responses? Did critics suddenly become irrelevant? I guess I never got the're way off base there, guys.

Bottom line: say whatever you want, but extend that priviledge to others.

And Ebertfan92, you don't have to "win" every argument. I think you're right about Open Season no matter WHAT the responses why should you worry about it? Let other people reveal their OWN limitations and biases, you dont always have to point them out explicitly. That goofy "smoking" comment pretty much showed where fangirl's interests lie...and it isn't in film appreciation...its in political correctness. But who cares? It's her loss as far as I'm concerned. At least we can enjoy quality animated films (rare though they may be) while she watches badly drawn animals on polygonal islands. riendid=29663098




"And Ebertfan92, you don't have to "win" every argument. I think you're right about Open Season no matter WHAT the responses why should you worry about it? Let other people reveal their OWN limitatians and biases, you don't always have to point them out explicitly. That goofy "smoking" comment pretty much showed where fangirl's interests lie...and it isn't film appreciation...its in political correctness. But who cares? It's her loss as far as I'm corcerned. At least we can enjoy quality animated films (rare though as may be) while she watches badly drawn animals on polygonal islands."

My loss? MY LOSS?!!? Oh that is it! I've had with you! I try to give you all the reasons and you believe it's my loss for watching poor badly animated movies?! What the hell is your problem? And that rude smoking comment you gave me, have you even seen Bee Movie yet or not? And how can my interests be in politcal correctness? Are you saying I can't correct? I DON'T WATCH BAD MOVIES! I have better taste than you think and the only worse films I've seen in my teenage years are Flushed Away, Barnyard, The Ant Bully, and Monster House. I haven't seen Hookwinked yet, but I bet that one is also on one of the worst movie list too, including Doogal. JimLoneWolf, I want you to do us all a big favor and just SHUT THE *beep* UP! If you don't give me respect, than you have no life at all! You're as worse than the trolls I'm dealing with at the Bee Movie section right now, and all I ever did over there was stating an opinion about Barry and Vanessa would make a cute couple and all they ever did to me was flame me for no freakin' reason at all!! I am getting sick and tired of trolls picking on me and my friends. THERE'S THE ONES WHO GOT NO LIFE AT ALL! WHY CAN'T YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP AND BUG SOMEONE ELSE FOR A CHANGE?!!?

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


Take a chill pill. You got plenty of "respect," considering you're a person who criticizes a movie because it shows SMOKING. This movie was aimed at fans of Jerry Seinfeld, not kids alone. Lighten the hell up. It's a PG movie, and that scene is given as a reason for the rating. What's the problem?

I can't stand do-gooders who think everything should be decided based on "the precious children". You tell me that isn't you, well then why did you make that comment? It's nothing but anti-smoking political correctness, and I'm sick of it. This kind of reasoning has now led to people saying that showing smoking should automatically get a movie the R rating. You know what those people are called? Answer: politically correct. Do you agree with that, or what? I sure don't.

Also, what was that "correcting" comment about...was that supposed to be a joke? I hope so, because if you don't know what I mean by "political correctness" it's a sad day for the world.

I'm sure you see plenty of good movies, and yes, Doogal does suck immeasurably.

I had no problem with anything else you said...even your defense of a movie I DID see, and hated, Madagascar. On that, I agreed to disagree. But don't try to tell me that Bee Movie (a movie I didn't see, but the clips I've seen look least in terms of animation quality) is a bad movie because it has someone smoking. You're over-sensitive.

What I was trying to get across is simply the same thing I told Ebertfan92, there's nothing wrong with someone disagreeing with your opinion. You don't have to feel personally attacked because someone dislikes a movie you like. It happens all the time. The smoking comment is different, because it's political rather than film-related. Politics are a sure-fire way to start an argument...and your smoking comment was definitely political in nature.

I like that the movie showed smoking...because right now there is a HUGE debate going on about "too many movies showing smoking". Obviously, I disagree with those drama queens, and you should too. This movie said, "wait'll they see this!", and I like that...they did it to PISS people off, and I find it hilarious, because it worked!! riendid=29663098


While we're trying to end this argument, here's a story about how my friend once sent a script to Sony's animation department (which btw made Open Season), how they rejected it, and how he reacted to it:

Bruce Helmick: The first writer/producer/director/actor diagnosed with Asperger's.


I wouldn't called myself a do-gooder cause I'm not always good...most of the time. And no, now of days, animation movies are being let to older kids which I think it's good cause older kids, including teengers, need to watch a little animation once in a while. Me? Well I'm 18 years old and I love watching animated movies. I just thought I stated the smoking comment as one of the few films that younger kids wouldn't understand. I may have overreacted a little, but you blew me off so bad, I had to say something! I don't know how animation movies are leading to older kids, must be the stuff they use in the movie or could be the famous stars in the movie they like. And another thing, the correcting comment wasn't a joke. I guess I got confused when you said "correct" on there, I thought you meant something about my spelling.

And again, no I never did say Bee Movie was a bad flick. I like it, it was good. Sure, I can be a little bit sensitive, but that only comes if I get my feelings hurt instead of releasing all my anger out. Movies these now of days will surprise you no matter what they'll put that one scene where Elliot poop when Boog was asking him for a toliet in the woods in Open Season. I still can't get over it. It's shocking but funny at the same time.

Proud Wife of Elliot the one horn mule deer.


Ok ebertfan let's get a few things straight here. the movie DID get back it's budget (another lie of yours), the film is NOT rated 13% at Rotten tomatoes under "Top critics" but it is 50% better than the actual Tomato-Meter. Plus all of those quotes were made up becasue I found NONE of them on RottenTomatoes.

When you get in trouble you just call JimLoneWolf like he's your servant? That little f *cker can say whatever he wants it will have bo effect. You are a troll and JimLoneWolf is your slave.

Disaster Movie is a piece of sh*t! But you already knew that....right?
