
I understand that there is clearly no clean cut explanation of the story, but I was thinking that there might have been some element concerning race within mental health.
I know that there is some controversy over the disproportionate amount of Black people within the mental health system in the UK, with questions as to whether this ends up excusing racial discrimination or causing a distorted appraisal of certain people's mental health. I know it is an uncomfortable topic, but just go to the Department of Health's website, and there is a full page of reports and explanations - pretty scary.
Anyway, I don't think it has been discussed here and thought it was interesting in trying to understand this film.

I don't think the job interview/psychiatric test matters; given the tone of the piece, there is no real problem with logic or plausible realism - but I think the race issue still stands as a possible thematic construct, which gives even greater depth and perspective to the indictment of the mental health care in this country.
Just a thought

here's the link in case you're interested
http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Healthcare/NationalServiceFrameworks/Mentalhea lth/BMEmentalhealth/index.htm


