
Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing. Hallmark film on a gay subject.


oh cmon it wasnt that bad!
maybe a problem in terms of the casting (I do agree that Charlie Lubinecki was a bit old for playing a 21 yr old), but otherwise it was short and sweet.


I'm 11 minutes into and so far the woman playing his mom's performance is affected. The writing is awful and the camera shots make the film look like just an excuse to show some hot young men. Doubt I'll last longer than 20 minutes. . . uh watching I mean.


Agreed. No idea why so many gay lists have then as a top 25 or so. The casting is wonderful but the rest is crap.



Agree. I think the gay population is just so giddy when any gay film comes out that they give it a vote of 10 out of 10 just to encourage Hollywood to make more gay movies. The real rating of this movie should be around 4.3.


That's mostly because, even in the 21st century USA, homophobia is a lot more present than we allow ourselves to believe. Such gay-orientated films about the male portion of this "minority" can't take a lot of constructive criticism, let alone - bashing. A lot of us are happy that someone, somewhere still makes these little flicks, knowing there's no profit in that. I'm absolutely sure male version of the "Orange Is The New Black" will never even be sponsored.

Will I give higher rating to any LGBT film ever created and I happen to, at least, not fall asleep during? HELL YES! The irony is, we LGBT+'s, can be extremely judgmental - a lot more than many heterosexual bigots.
