Way to die #1000

Sign of the end of the show or something? Seemed kinda like it came out of left field, and as if they were giving the show a goodbye or something

Any word on if there are more episodes?


i effing hope not



Yeah I think that was the end...it was #1000 and that one was I think talking about a natural death...


I guess I take that back...on the SpikeTV website...it states a new season March 12



This is weird for me. I don't like violence, but I do like the science of this show and it's the suspense that gets me: I'm always wondering how they'll die.


I have a friend who is a regular stunt man on the show and he said that they were getting picketed by one of the behind the scenes unions, I forget which one (maybe the electricians?) because the show is non-union, but apparently they have a high enough budget that the union is trying to force them to go union... He recently told me that he was working on the show when the entire crew walked from the set, the show fired everyone and hired a new crew, but, due to the picketing, they were losing locations, and the show was going to have to be cancelled or go union... He seemed to think that the show was finished.


First of all, the episodes are NOT aired in numerical order.

Secondly, I have worked on this show as an actor and I can tell you firsthand that they treat their actors HORRIBLY! I did 3 episodes (1 as a principal and 2 as BG) and it got worse each time. The first time, we filmed all morning in a torrential downpour so bad that the crew was soaked to the skin by lunch (wardrobe had to supply them with dry clothes so they could continue working after lunch), and I had walnut powder blown in my eyes (while wearing contacts) and didn't recover (even after removing the lenses) until the next day. The last time, we worked on set for 8 hours with NO BATHROOMS (yes, we were forced to pee in the bushes), no lunch (even though we worked from 10 am til after 6 pm), and worse, NO OVERTIME PAY!! All of these are against CA Labor Laws, even though they're non-Union, yet they continue to get away with it because no one is willing to report them.


Strange, how you're able to talk about this on a message board but you couldn't be bothered to report them when you had the chance! Now, either you're lying ... which wouldn't surprise me, seeing as some people will do or say anything to get attention; or you're a coward who would rather hide behind a computer than help yourself and your co-stars by reporting people who are in direct violation of California labor laws.


I'm not a liar and the problem with reporting them is it takes FOREVER for the Labor Board to do something about it plus the effort involved is just not worth the payoff. Also, I was lied to by production, first when they told me on set at sign out that the OT was "being taken care of by payroll" (it wasn't; payroll was completely unaware of the situation until I called them) and then production kept insisting that we were wrapped 20 minutes earlier than we were. (I know what time we wrapped because I looked at my watch when it happened.) In order for us NOT to have accrued any OT, they would have had to load the shuttle with 30 extras, shuttle us back to holding (a 10-minute ride), and sign everyone out, all within 20 minutes. Anyone who works in the industry knows that this would be impossible, even if we were wrapped when they claimed we were. The production manager claimed there's was nothing he could do through the regular channels, since I had signed off on the voucher at wrap, but continued to lie to me, saying that he would pay out of his pocket ("out of e goodness of his heart"), but insisted that I would have to come and get it, then first wouldn't tell me where they were filming so I could do that, then that I couldn't come on set and that he would have to "meet me somewhere" off set during filming. This went on for over a month, so he was obviously just hoping I would just go away. You sound as if you either don't work in the industry, or that you work in production for the show, since you seem to be on their side.
