Has anyone noticed.......

that all the "experts" and "doctors", etc, are all listed in here with acting credits? Not one, that i could find, were actually what they were listed as being. This show is totally fake. Some of the deaths may be real, but only a few.



max lehfeldt is a real plastic surgeon, they are all real doctors, just not neccessarily on each case
" Your Fired" Lucille Bluth
"You Cant Fire Me Im your son. I fire you"
Buster Bluth


"Titty, Titty, Bang, Bang" is impossible and based on an urban legend. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVsXBnV0guw

MAYBE some of the deaths are vaguely, remotely similar to what is represented... but just some. The rest are just legends, folklore and probably just made up.


I've found myself doubting the show's authenticity more and more as I've watched more and more episodes. The episode I watched tonight ("The Good, the Bad and the Dead") broke the camel's back.

...case in point, the bit with the hermetic survivalist and the snake crawling into his rifle's trigger guard while he was taking a leak, then squeezing the trigger when he picked up his rifle again. The narrator even mentioned the snake's specific species.

Uhhh...narrator? If this guy was a loner and he died alone out in the middle of the desert, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT SPECIES THE SNAKE WAS? Hell, one better: HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WAS A SNAKE THAT SQUEEZED THE TRIGGER AT ALL, and not his finger or one of those nearby scrub brushes or something else? What, was the gun nut right all along and the Government, the Grays and/or the Atlanteans WERE spying on him and recording his demise? Did the snake get stuck in the trigger guard and die there (impossible, since if the snake slithered through it, it could certainly slither back out because it's a freakin' SNAKE)? Or did the snake just courteously stick around and wait however many days, weeks or months for the investigators to show up?

And don't even get me started on the show's women who die from having fishes or cucumbers miraculously shot down their windpipes. "Whoops! I'm a completely incompetent fisher, and yet I just yanked a fish out of the water with enough force and at the right trajectory to hit the inside of my mouth, make it past my teeth and my tongue and soften its own molecular structure enough to where it would bend and get lodged beneath my epiglotis! Weeeeee!"

This show is so full of crap. "Names have been changed to protect the identities of the deceased." Pffft. More like "Names have been completely made up because these people never existed and these weirdo deaths never actually happened."...and that's when the show bothers to give these allegedly "real" victims names at all.

Hey, look at me! "Some guy in Tyler, Texas died when a piece of an airplane's fuselage broke off shortly after take-off, rode the wind and cut his head off!" Cool! Now all I need to do is hire some actors to "recreate" this guy getting his head cut off by a chunk of airplane, hire some fake experts to blabber their "expert" testimony on why death would certainly result from having a sheet of metal slice through a human neck at high velocity, then come up with a punny name to sign the segment off...ooh ooh ooh! I'll call the segment "Taken Off"! Excellent! Hey, SPIKE TV! I just wrote a segment for 1,000 Ways to Die! GIVE ME A JOB ALREADY.

So, yeah...fake, fake, fake. I HATE fiction which tries to pass itself off as reality. Don't you? >.>


your wrong, actually the deaths did happen like the javelin guy, or the booby trap one. Just the background stories are fiction, and speculate what happened before hand. The guy who died in the latex suit probably also happened, as well as the fishing a cucumber ppl ( remember there are about 500 million or more idiots living on the planet right now. 500 million who could do stupid things)

I do like your taken off idea, though

" Your Fired" Lucille Bluth
"You Cant Fire Me Im your son. I fire you"
Buster Bluth


I'm wrong, huh?

1) Get on the wiki.
2) Look at the episode list and all the segments.
3) Take note of how many deaths are attributed to speculations, urban legends and other falsehoods.
4) Get back with me.



I don't know... why shouldn't you believe someone that says "get on the wiki"? Usually, I don't base the knowledge or honesty of a person on a set of four little words... unless, of course, they happen to be "I like to lie".


OMG, I love your post.

For the longest time, I would see this show on TV, and not make it past an entire episode without getting a strong hunch that some of the deaths were fake. Now that it's on Netflix, and I'm almost through the entire 1st season, there's no doubt in my mind. Some of these deaths are fabricated.

Two virgin lovers that had heart attacks and died at the exact same moment, once they finally had sex? Yeah. Sure.

Fake as hell.


Why is anyone taking this show so seriously? I think parts of it are hilarious, and it's obvious that it's all tongue-in-cheek as they pretend to be extremely serious about it. If you can't see that it's intended to be over-the-top, speculative and re-created to be fun in a black-humor sort of way, then I am sorry for you, because you must take everything in life way too seriously. I just saw this the other night for the first time and watched four episodes in a row just because its sense of humor jibes with mine. And it's fun to see what the next bad pun is going to be. The nympho with the carrot who dies of an air embolism? KILLDO! How can you possibly think this is 100% serious? I wouldn't be at all surprised if the deaths have some basis in fact, or even legend, but this is SPIKE, not the Learning Channel. Just remember, do not attempt any of the methods shown here, or YOU WILL DIE. (I was hooked on the campiness in that line! Utterly ridiculous but funny as hell.)


Sodium Rhodizonic acid test http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodizonic_acid, if he didn't pull the trigger. The snake died in the kick back?. Maybe it was a plausible explanation, or maybe they found the snake, who knows why they though that was a plausible explanation?


I have no idea what a "sodic radizonate test" is, and neither does Google. Perhaps you meant something else.

Now, they might have said "Oh, king snakes are a dime a dozen in this guy's remote desert area" and decided that, if a snake squeezed the trigger on that guy's shotgun, then it was most likely a king snake. But unless they have an honest witness who knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that the shotgun's trigger was squeezed by a king snake, then it's still speculation. And remember: the segment specifically noted that this guy chose to live alone and way off the grid in a remote, isolated location, so unless someone else just happened to wander all the way out to that remote location within an hour or two after this guy died, or if he happened to be entertaining company that day (unlikely, given his supposed paranoia), then there couldn't have been any witnesses to his death.

And my father, my brother and I, being the Texans that we are, have been handling a fair variety of Mossbergs, Remingtons and other shotguns, and we have yet to handle a shotgun with a trigger that "kicks". The impact of the recoil (that "equal and opposite reaction" that Newton was talking about) transfers directly backward from the chamber(s), through the stock and into whatever happens to be behind the stock (which, if you're concerned about shot accuracy and/or safety, will be the meat of your shoulder), and the trigger, being located somewhere under the chamber(s)--and not behind it/them--is nowhere along that path. The trigger mechanism springs the trigger back into place--ready for another shot--as soon as you ease off of it, but that mechanism has absolutely nothing to do with the recoil. So even if you squeeze and "click" on an empty chamber, the trigger springs back into the "ready" position all the same.

If a shotgun's trigger did kick out with enough force to kill a snake, then shotguns would be breaking people's trigger fingers right and left. Considering that a shotgun which routinely injured its wielders would not sell very lucratively, that would probably be something which firearms manufacturers would weed out during the testing and development phase.

To put it in a keener perspective, Texas Rat Snakes routinely grow to be about four feet long...a little bit shorter than a king snake, as I recall. In my history, I've caught two fully grown Texas Rat Snakes in my henhouse. One snake I killed by grabbing its tail and thrashing its head against a tree as hard as I could; it took me three strokes to kill that one. The other snake I killed by hacking its head off with a longknife; it took three chops to kill that one because a snake's "neck" and body are too springy, so even with my trusty woodsplitting block under the snake's neck, there was too much yield in its flesh and bone for a blade to wound it effectively. Then there was the two-foot copperhead that I stomped on while I was running from the fireworks that I'd just set off last July 4th; I was lucky that the snake didn't bite me, because getting stomped on by a 240-pound man in heavy duty work boots didn't even make this copperhead twitch. I had to smash it to death with a foot-square patio tile, and it still took me two slams (one with the flat of the tile, one with the edge). So believe me, snakes are not delicate. Even if the shotgun's recoil mashed the snake's body between the shotgun's stock and a rock, my money says that the snake would still slither away and nurse its injury somewhere else.

I'm still inclined to think that 1kWtD was just exercising more of their creative license with this guy's death. It's more likely that this survivalist just caught the trigger in some brush (and, like a true paranoid idiot, he had the safety off) and that's how he died. But that scenario still grates against the idea that a paranoid survivalist who knows how to operate firearms would always carry the shotgun at the ready (read: by its stock and/or receiver) and never carry it by its barrel, so it's probably even more likely that a fellow like that, being tormented by his own madness and despair for so long, finally decided to end it all, tucked the muzzle under his chin and pushed the trigger in himself; if the shotgun wasn't sawed-off, he'd have to use a stick or his toes, but he could do it. But neither one of those would make for good television, nor would they suit this contrived "karma got 'em" nonsense that Original tries to shovel into every last segment. So, enter the entirely fictitious death by snake. That's where I'd place my bet, anyway.


the story of the Japanese virgins who died when they had sex is based on this couple


# 9 sachi and his wife tomio hidaka...were virgins for 11 years until they cgot marrried, they died on their wedding night from heart attacks during the act of making love , they were both 34 years old

