Vikki should be more involved

I kinda feel like the show is A Shot At Love with Rikki.
Vikki kinda seems to be the sidekick, which sucks, cuz even though they're twins, I think she is prettier lol

Barack the vote!!


Yeah I was thinking the same thing! I know Rikki got out there first and met everyone before Vikki did, but everyone seems to like Rikki more. Rikki also seems nicer than Vikki; she cries, while Vikki gets pissed off and goes on the attack (Nick). I think some of the people in the house don't want to risk pissing Vikki off, so they stick to Rikki.

I read somewhere that Vikki's name ISN'T Vikki, it's Erica. XD Not sure how true that is, but apparently their birth names are Rebecca and Erica Monegon.


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Vikkis name is Victoria, and Rikkis is Erica. eRICa=Rikki, get it?


Got it. Erica=Rikki is kind of lame lol but whatever works...


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