Xoe definitly not into Rikki

It's kinda really obvious that Xoe likes Vikki. hehe just thought I would share that


LOL yeah everyone knows. It's so funny when they were at the movie theaters and she wasn't feeling Rikki at all but then when they switched cars it showed Xoe and Vikki basically having sex in the background!



why do you say that? idk it looks like she is.

I really hope Vikki chooses Josh tho.

I know about the whole kissing Rosemarie but you know what Rosemarie sucks


I have a good feeling Xoe will end up with Vikki.


Josh sucks just as much for kissing Rosemarie as she does for kissing him. Neither should still be there.


Well yeah it's true, but idk maybe he was drunk or asleep and couldn't really tell what was going on. Idk but he seems like a sincere guy and idk about the other contestants.



^ She should! if she's really smart she will. If they seriously don't eliminate Josh and Rosemarie after what they did, then this show is BS.

