MovieChat Forums > Hamlet 2 (2008) Discussion > Worst and most moronic film I've ever se...

Worst and most moronic film I've ever seen.

As above...


Thank you so elaborating so thoroughly on your opinion.


You're welcome!


Well, considering your eloquent analysis, I can only assume you haven't seen a lot of movies.

"Shop smart. Shop S-mart!"~ Ash


I have to wonder what people like the OP expect when they go see a movie then say it's the worst movie EVER. Either they saw the trailer and wanted to see it just so they can say how bad it is or they did not have any clue what it was about, never saw a trailer and went to see it anyway. The movie was exactly what I expected based on the trailer.

"And what would a note say, Dan? 'Cat dead, details later'?"


Wow, I'm really thinking of listening to your unique opinion, based on that indepth thesis of a text you wrote.

Care to elaborate on WHY it was so moronic?

I thought it was hilarious, satirical, witty, and brilliant.

We all deserve to die. Even you, Mrs. Lovett, even I.


The movie was horrible, I could not wait til it ended, I was not bored, I was annoyed. I went with a friend who said it was suppose to be good and during the movie I said to him ''I wish I can get my $9.00 back''. I wanted to get up and leave, but I couldn't because I went with 2 friends.

Was there funny parts, yes a few, but that doesn't make it a movie.



A little too grouchy for satire, are we?

Debbie Downer was written based on people like you.

We all deserve to die. Even you, Mrs. Lovett, even I.


I agree.

I hadn't seen any negative comments about this movie in the board until I came across this post. I was beginning to wonder if I had watched the same movie.

I did pick up on all the satire but it seemed lame and forced to me. There weren't any parts where I can say that I laughed out loud either. I may have smiled a time or two.


1) when the same girl in the class is the target for all the slap stick accidents = lame/forced.

2) when his wife gets impregnated by their "boarder" and runs off with him after she finds that they are a good fit "only if he keeps his mouth shut" = lame

3) when the students spike his drink with LSD and he's on the side of the road without his pants ...and/or he spends more than one moment in the film without his pants = lame

4) Elizabeth Shue ends up being his girlfriend in the end = double lame

Those are just a few moments that I found myself rolling my eyes and thinking, "Really? Why am I watching this."

This is going on my short list of most disliked movies...not hated mind you, just disliked.


Re: Worst and most moronic film I've ever seen.
by - oh-nicole on Tue Feb 3 2009 18:29:12
I agree.

I hadn't seen any negative comments about this movie in the board until I came across this post. I was beginning to wonder if I had watched the same movie.

I did pick up on all the satire but it seemed lame and forced to me. There weren't any parts where I can say that I laughed out loud either. I may have smiled a time or two.


1) when the same girl in the class is the target for all the slap stick accidents = lame/forced.

2) when his wife gets impregnated by their "boarder" and runs off with him after she finds that they are a good fit "only if he keeps his mouth shut" = lame

3) when the students spike his drink with LSD and he's on the side of the road without his pants ...and/or he spends more than one moment in the film without his pants = lame

4) Elizabeth Shue ends up being his girlfriend in the end = double lame

Those are just a few moments that I found myself rolling my eyes and thinking, "Really? Why am I watching this."

This is going on my short list of most disliked movies...not hated mind you, just disliked.
1 and 3 are awful, I can already tell. Is the whole movie like that?


1 and 3 are awful, I can already tell. Is the whole movie like that?
Pretty much. I went into this movie expecting something like a parody of high school drama classes, with a subpar drama class doing a "hip and modern" version of a Hamlet sequel. That's pretty much the way it was marketed.

What is really is, is a film that vascillates between an 'inspirational teacher' movie and a parody of those movies (like School of Rock, Dangerous Minds, etc.). It never really settles into one or the other, and it's difficult to tell which bits are intentionally corny and which are supposed to be genuine. All the Latinos are gangbangers, and all the white kids are straightlaced racists. Most of the subplots (including a criminally wasted Catherine Keener as the teacher's wife trying desperately to get impregnated by a man she despises) also go nowhere.

The film has nothing to do with Hamlet, not even in an ironic way. The only connection is that a few Hamlet characters are mentioned. Marc Forster's "Stay" has more to do with Hamlet than this film.

The movie's main crime, though, is that it's just not funny. The slapstick bits are stale, the pantsless Steve Coogan scenes are far too repetitive, and the "songs about sexy Jesus" bit was done better on South Park. (Just my opinion, but I think Pam Brady needs to distance her "solo" work from South Park to avoid unflattering comparisons.)

I did manage to laugh during this film, though only twice. Once at Amy Poehler's deadpan delivery: "My balls?" and once when Coogan ran into the pickup truck. I spent the rest of the time waiting for the good part.


I thought this film was really good. I see you're not impressed by its attempts at humor. I'm always interested in tastes so different than mine. What movies of 2008 did you like? Comedies, if any.


Get your funny bone checked.... I think it's broken.


I suggest that anybody who liked this film get their skull checked because it's probably broken.


sounds like you're in the demographic "females under 18"


"Under 18", is that age or IQ? Fits the bill anyway. ;-)

Judging from some of the posts on this site, it's amazing how they ever dared to publish this movie in the U.S. The movie is hilarious, but seeing some of the braindead reactions here is just depressing.


This is like Casablanca compared to the Love Guru.


I loved this movie.
