MovieChat Forums > Hamlet 2 (2008) Discussion > Racist Film Against Hispanics

Racist Film Against Hispanics

I mean was the white girl calling the guy a beaner really necessary?


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You are so right, this film was racist!


I was really offended when she called him a beaner and then later on in the film, she jumps on him and starts kissing him like a freak! And don't get me started on the scene when Coogan visited Haywood's house expecting to find the ghetto but instead finds two wealthy and educated parents concerned for their child's education. Talk about racism! Everyone knows all racist films end in white people realizing they were wrong and becoming friends with other minorities.

Oh wait... the film showed that racist stereotypes can be wrong. Funny, huh?


Holy God. Part of the character development of the movie was realizing racial stereotypes are wrong. How can you have such character development without starting off with someone being racist?

Some people are wound up so tight they can't even see when a film is arguing against racism.



I don't think they were necessarily being racist in that instance, but you'll find double-standards in society like that. It's perfectly fine for a black person to say "Stupid whitey," but the minute a white person says something negative about a black person, they're racist. /=

Never misjudge the most faithful
heart of your beloved. Forever yours, forever mine, forever us.


Ok where in the OP's message did you hear anything about a black person?


Yes, It was completely necessary for her to say beaner, it was part of her character.

As for the movie in general, It makes fun of a lot of ethnic and religious groups, so I don't consider it racist as it is basically giving equal time to both sides.

As for your reaction to the movie, If you are going to be offended by such an incredibly mild 'racist' moment, you should probably live in isolation.


I watched this movie last night with my girlfriend (Hispanic). I know she's not the voice of all hispanics, but she didn't find any offense to this, especially since there really wasn't anything bad about the characters. Keep in mind what kind of person the white girl was.

Furthermore, when Octavio said how he couldn't be in the musical because his dad didn't want him to, based on the stereotype of the character he was playing (or so we thought) we were lead to believe he was from a shabby, lower-class homelife. He was actually from a very well-off and cultured one. I don't think this movie degraded hispanics one bit. It only satired WASPs and stereotyped them more than anything. It's not even remotely a white guilt thing either.

I want that succulent sausage in my mouth and let the juice drip down my body and everything


Ok, let's pull this bus over to side of the pretentiousness turnpike (P.S. thanks Dennis, I'm borrowing this line from you)

This is a comedy. They are making fun of the stereotypes anyway, they aren't embracing them. It's meant to be light-hearted and in a joking fasion.

Before any name-calling or assumptions occur, I would like to point out that I'm a mutt. I'm made of multiple nationalities and I speak three languages, one of them being Spanish.

Impulse: I want a lawyer!
Lex: And I want a Ponytail, disappointment abounds!


Personally, I really enjoyed the jokes at the expense of the lawyer's off-camera Jewish husband. Ethnic & racial humour is funny. For about 25 years or so, we were required to pretend that wasn't true. I'm glad we've finally broken through that straight-jacket of political correctness (albeit only partially), and can laugh at some of the stuff that pretty much everyone does laugh about, on occasion, in the real world. The artistic community owes a great debt to "South Park," basically, as do advocates of free speech generally.

Otherwise, I was genuinely surprised at what a great movie this film turned out to be. My wife almost had me turn it off 20 minutes into it (and if it didn't have Catherine Keener in it, I probably would have), but we both wound up really liking it a lot.

Gamera is really neat! He is made from turtle meat! We've been eating Gamera!


Jesús, stop being so quick to jump and call everything racist. That's what's really overdone and pissing me off. It was necessary for her character arc, and a movie can't be racist because it doesn't have emotions like hatred for any groups. Even if it was racist, so? Let it be what it is. You don't have to say what it is. "This movie had actors in it" has the same effect.

"I'm gonna get nice and drunk; play some video games until my eyes bleed."

