MovieChat Forums > Hamlet 2 (2008) Discussion > I'm bi-curious about the detractors of t...

I'm bi-curious about the detractors of this film...

If you think this movie is painfully unfunny, what films DO you find funny?

I only ask because there are so many of you and, for the most part, you all seem incredibly stupid.


mate, this movie IS painfully unfunny.

its no accident that noone has heard of it or that its straight to video or that coogan's accent was laughable.

i think you're just having a cheap jibe at americans. just becasuse most yanks are uneducated, inarticulate, have no real knowledge of their brief history, cannot grasp that there are other countries outside of the US of A, are preoccupied with reality shows and becoming the most obese nation on earth, love invading foreign countries but have nightmares at anyone invading mainland USA, its no real excuse to pick on us. shame on you.


Ajmal, my friend, thank you for answering my question. You didn't tell me what films you DO find funny but instead went off on a poorly structured rant about America which, in turn, tells me you're a complete idiot.

For the record I have nothing against the US. There are morons all around the world. Ajmal is a perfect example of that.


I see what you did there.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Actually if you do the research, England has the worlds highest obesity rate. And growing.


I am watching the film right now and I think it's pretty lame too. Not that many funny moments (there's a few but they're not overly funny) I wouldn't recommend it to anyone for fear of making my taste in film seem quite shyte to say the least. Coogan is so hit and miss, hes well funny but the film just isn't.
You wanna know some of the films I watched recently and found very laugh out loud funny...

Zack and Miri make a porno
Role models
Pineapple Express
Tropic Thunder
Burn after Reading

Those ones are the first ones that come to mind anyway
I do think there's a lot of American comedy that is so unfunny (especially tv shows) and I don't understand what's so humorous about any of it. I don't know what that says about the 'average joe' american, but they do produce some of the funniest shows/films too. South Park is by far one of the most innovative and hilarious shows ever made.
I do however think British Humor is funnier in general, and that's not biased in anyway.


I agree, us Yanks are pretty funny, and as for all the other social immaturity and such, cut us some slack, we've only been around for 200 years, not every country has had 1000 years to grow up (if you can call the current world scene grown up).


I loved every second of this movie. All of coogan's character's oddness and quirks were perfect. His closeness to a mental breakdown always 1 action away. I thought it was comedic genius.
Then again, I also think humour is subjective and while I enjoyed the hangover, I don't know how people thought it was funny. But I let em laugh anyways.
