MovieChat Forums > Hamlet 2 (2008) Discussion > Steve Coogan, get over yourself.

Steve Coogan, get over yourself.

No one wants you to make half-arsed-straight-to-dvd rubbish like this.

Make more alan partridge.

We dont like any other characters.


What about saxondale i didnt enjoy that at first but it grew on me.



Keep your "we don't like any other characters" for yourself mate, you certainly don't represent everybody nor the fans.


This isn't straight to DVD. It had a theatrical release at the end of the summer.


I don't get it, what the bloody hell is wrong with all this dumb ***** calling this straight to DVD? Wake up morons, Hamlet 2 had a limited release then a wide release and it's damn funny as hell. The movies is not perfect, far far from it and if you don't like it, tough titties, others do and we don't bloody care what the **** you think.

PS: This was a rhetorical post aimed at you-know-who (and they damn well know themself).


You do realize that this wasn't straight to DVD right? It was a limited release. Most of us on these boards saw it in theaters. Actually I don't think it's even out on DVD yet.


Haha I'm pretty sure the original poster was trying to express that he/she felt the quality of "Hamlet 2" was on par with a straight-to-dvd movie and deserved to be so. (Personally, I think it's a great movie and look forward to owning it on dvd when it's released!)


Haha, as much as I do disagree with your post I must admit it really tickled me! I always want to love everything Steve does (and on the whole do), Alan Partridge really does just keep popping his head up, shouting 'A-ha!' and ruining Mr Coogan's attempts at career furthering, bless 'im

---'Gimme a Martini, would'ya?'---


Everything Coogan touches turns to gold.


*snap snap snap* you go giiiiiiirl
