Elisabeth Shue

Wasn't she awesome in this? I thought she was the funniest part of the movie.

Impulse: I want a lawyer!
Lex: And I want a Ponytail, disappointment abounds!



She always is (with the possible exception of "Palmetto"). I loved the in-joke when she pointed out the crane technique to the guy next to her at the play!

I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd.


That was funny, there were many funny things in this movie too. I agree with the poster that pointed that out. I just felt that Elisabeth Shue was really an excellent addition to this.

Impulse: I want a lawyer!
Lex: And I want a Ponytail, disappointment abounds!


i agree she was hilarious, i'm glad they had elisabeth shue and i loved how she ended up with the director at the end.


There are certain films--and this is one of them--that give me hope cinema will survive the 'I don't give a FF about anything but the money' Age. Dedicated film viewers still are willing to fight their way through the boring and the talentless to get to little jems like 'Hamlet 2'--even if a large popcorn finally tops out at $150.00 a tub. Classy actresses like Liz Shue are smart to take witty and unusual parts like this--and we are the better for it as well.


'Dedicated film viewers still are willing to fight their way through the boring and the talentless to get to little jems like 'Hamlet 2'-'

Nice to see talented folks get a piece of the pie for a change...

Give me a chance to prove my claims. Lock me in a room with just pen and paper.


after karate kid she disappeared up herself.
