Yes Finally!

Finally! I've been waiting for so long! Scorpian King is the best movie of all time and now a sequel! I by no means expect it to be better as sequels are usually worse but coming from the best movie ever made, I think I can safely have high expectations.


I'm glad you're so happy. I hope you're not disappointed.


I just read that it's going to be a prequel, telling how Mathayus becomes to be the Scorpion King. Oh and he is going to be much younger in this one, which really, really pisses me off, as the sequel should have been further explaining his descent into madness or how he became so powerful and evil, as they have him be in the Mummy Returns. He was too nice in the 1st 1, even though I still loved it, but I thought that they were going to be doing what they did with the Star Wars prequels? You know, explaining Anikins descent to the "dark side"? I have been waiting and waiting for this movie to get greenlighted, and now that it has it's not even going to get a theartical release, only a straight to DVD, which sucks major balls!! Why can't they get the Rock back and just finsih off what they started and were going to do with the character, leading up to the events of the Mummy Returns? Is that so hard to do and ask for?

If you don't believe then check out this web cite if you haven't done so already:

Tell me what you think.
It Ain't Stealing If You Take It Fast:)

