ummm ok???

does anyone really want this movie to be made?




I would like a sequel about the anubis army


Well obviously I want this movie made. It was confirmed in 2002 that the Rock has signed on for 2 other sequels after the 1st, explaining how the Scorpion King became so evil & how he rose to power. At the end of the 1st 1, he was still good, & you like him for who he was. So I thought that they might be doing what George Lucas did with the last 3 instulments of the Star Wars franchise with Anikin?? Then 2004 came along, & there was no Scorpion King 2, as I thought that they would be coming out every 2 years like the Mummy Returns did?? So then I said ok, maybe next year & the year after that, but to no avil there was no sequel. I was so pissed off, wondering why?? I thought for sure that it did well at the box office as it got a pretty good review here in London, On, Canada (3.5/5), & Ebert gave it a 3/4. But not everything is according to Ebert as I soon found out the hard way LOL

I actually stumbled upon this sequel accidently, by looking up the director of Resident Evil: Extinction's background & what he's done in the past & what he's got planned for the future. And *presto* I bumped into this. But when I 1st checked it out, there was no actors cast & now that I checked it out again, I find out that the Rock is not coming back. WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!! The Rock practically owned that movie as it was based off his charcter from the Mummy sequel. It's like them recasting Evy for the Mummy 3 next year, which is a huge mistake, because Rachel made that her own, & I don't think that either the new Mathayus or the new Evy will be good as the originals?? But I will still check them out as Stephen Sommers still has his hand in it, which is good, because without him, it would bomb.


I checked out this guys history, & he was in Power Rangers & That's So Raven. I don't want no goddang Power Ranger in this movie, & plus I think he's younger than the Rock?? This guy was born in 1982, & I for sure know that the Rock ain't that young LOL

It Ain't Stealing If You Take It Fast:)


Not now, I haven't checked the page for this in a while when no cast was listed and now I see that The Rock isn't in it. No thanks. I'll skip it.

You have no idea what war is like. - Tetsuya aka Casshern.



As well as The Mummy 3? No thanks - strangely I'd rather have the Mummy 3 than another Steven Sommers version.

What about a sequel to Deep Rising?? :)



Russell Mulcahy is a fine director, he might make something out of this.

Martha? Rubbing alcohol for you?
Richard Burton, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? (1966)


yeah, you're right, Mulcahy is a fine director...a fine director who hasn't made a good film since 1986.


If you're watching 'Fullscreen' DVDs, you aren't getting the whole picture.


He didn't make any classics again, that is true. But he did some good work, I liked Ressurection and Talos the Mummy, but especially The Lost Battalion. He has always his own original approach and I like that. Sometimes I don't agree with the IMDb ratings as any human being I suppose. So his films didn't have high marks since Highlander, I really don't care about that. Howmany of his films have you seen, and what did you not like about it?

Martha? Rubbing alcohol for you?
Richard Burton, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? (1966)


When ever I hear Russell Mulcahy's I think Highlander 2 and the fact that they made Immortals into ridiculous space aliens. I will see The Mummy 3 on DVD but I won't bother with this thing. I'll bet this ends up straight-to-DVD itself.

Being hit by someone in a moving car is no basis for a relationship.


dude that highlander 2 screwjob was the worst movie going experience I can remember as a kid aliens???


Guys, I think this is a prequel. The Rise of the Akkadian prolly takes you through his younger years and how he became the badass he was in The Scorpion King. The Actor portraying the Mathayus is younger and smaller than the Dwayne Johnson, so I'm sure he is supposed to play a young Mathayus.


Yeah it's a prequel, i read this on Wikipedia and it says it's confirmed to take place before the first.


So in 2008 we have a sequel to The Mummy coming out as well as a sequel to the spin-off to The Mummy 2. Ain't that bizarre.... great Alien/Predator forum!



Hey Guy, The Mummy 3 is a new part with new stuff. It will play this time in China and Jet li is on board. I will see Mummy 3 in cinema.
