Must be a prequel...

Judging from the guy who is going to be replacing The Rock, this must be a prequel, based on the early days of the character, because he looks way too young...

I'm sad they are even making this... I liked the first one, but thought that was enough...



Yeah, cause last we leave off, he rules the most powerful's he gonna rise anymore. Doesn't really make sense for a title if it's a sequal. It won't be as good without the Rock though.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing


Yes it is a prequel - about his early good friend is in this movie, so I can't say any more ;)


Kinda silly, a sequel seeing how he became the evil scorpion king would be much better =/ So we get to see how he became a good warrior? I dunno trained with the other arkkadians?

I guess they kinda set it up in scorpion king though by making it so he is one of the last of them. I guess this will be about the Arkkadians being killed.


A prequel to a prequel of a spin off
badgers? badgers!? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' BADGERS!!!

