Where is THE ROCK??


I bet compared to this "The Mummy III" will be as good as a "Lord of the Rings"-film.


Mummy 3 is going to suck so bad.


Let me think... It is sucking because of Rachel Weisz?
That is the only damn stupid argument of all M3-haters, there is nothing more...


Not really apart from the fact that Rachel Weisz is not in this film Im really worried about the new director plus after seeing the trailer it just made the film look worse.

Lame jokes....

Well they're not the actual reason why Im not really interested in this film. I did like the first two films but this film doesn't look right. But Im gonna watch it for sure


I definitely cannot see where there is any problem with the trailer. For me it looks just like a normal trailer for a good movie. Not a super brilliant movie, but a good movie.
And I cannot see in which way it looks right. It looks exactly like a Mummy-movie. It has humor, good effects and Brendan Fraser & John Hannah. ;-)


Rachel isn't in it because the script was pants. It most likely sucks because it was written by AlMiles, who are infamous for the Superman soap opera aka Smallville.


Let me think... It is sucking because of Rachel Weisz?
That is the only damn stupid argument of all M3-haters, there is nothing more...

It isn't the only reason. Trust me.

The dialogue just wasn't that great. There are usually a couple cheesy lines in movies but this one was over the top. Just lame jokes.

I wasn't feeling the chemistry between Maria Bello and Brendan Fraser or even between Maria and Luke Ford. Maybe it's from the *beep* dialogue but I wasn't feeling their loving relationship. She did a great accent though, I'll give her that. She even sounded like Rachel on many parts. But unfortunately, I feel that's all she really did great. It was like she was so fixated on "talking the part" correctly, that the "acting part" went out the window. Like she was in her own little world not connecting with anyone. The only time she seemed comfortable was when she was in on the action and not saying anything. There are a couple great action parts with her that were pretty cool but she just didn't fit.

The actor who played the son wasn't bad. He was great with Isabella (Lin). He was pretty good when he wasn't in scenes with Brendan or Maria. I definitely wasn't feeling the mother son vibe from the two. Felt like it was forced. Jonathan (John Hannah) I felt was also forced. Most of his lines (jokes) were lame. It's like they just put him in the movie just for the jokes and they weren't that great.

It didn't really feel like a Mummy movie really. I was disappointed going in and couldn't help but judge it based on the last two. If they couldn't get Rachel Weisz back, they shouldn't have had Evelyn's character in it. And instead of having a 26 year actor (who looks 30) play an older Alex, they should have brought back Freddie Boath. Some consistency would have been great. All they would have to do is retool the script to include a teen Alex, rather than a college drop out.

It was entertaining but I couldn't over look the many issues that personally bothered me. Looks like there may not be a 4th after all, and I guess that's a good thing. I thought it was too much and too different from the originals. Now we know why Rachel didn't want to do it... The whole movie was forced. They had 7 years to come up with "this" and it all just felt rushed. Just eh. The movie is also very predictable on many occasions which was also distracting.

I was willing to give it a try. The trailer looked awesome but the trailer is pretty much the only awesome thing about it.



the Rock is not in this movie because he realized how crap it will be but as for M3 this has nothing to do with M3 and really has nothing to do with the Scorpion King either...its just cheesy with lame jokes and other than them saying the word scorpion or the title "Scorpion King" at the end (which there isn't anything to spoil but wont say why they say it...you know they would) this movie has pretty much nothing to do with the scorpion king from m2.

I wish they would have made a movie about the scorpion king that actually explains how he became the freakin' monster from M2...but they never have and probably never will since I doubt The Rock will ever do a movie in this series again...and for that I thank him.


Well someone actually read the title! Thanks rott-4 for the appropriate answer. I haven't seen Mummy 3 yet and I will defenitely not waste my money on this, I'd rather wait few months. Yes, I agree this film was totally redundant.

Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars
