What the Hell?!

Why has Stephen Summers agreed to make this but declined to make "The Mummy 3"

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Stephen Sommers didn't make this, Russell Mulcahy did. And he only has a writing credit because he created the character.


OK so if her didn't make the first one why is he directing this one!!!!

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Actually The Mummy 3 is coming out later this year, but I don't think Stephen SOmmers was involved.


Cause he's not directing this one. Idiot. Learn to use IMDb, the director's name is right under the name of the film.

"Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!"
- Scream


Director:Russell Mulcahy

Writers:Randall McCormick (screenplay)
Stephen Sommers (character)...meaning he created the character, thats all

he's not the director idiot


Pretty weird. created the character my a**. The character was real Egyptian ruler probably it was Narmer or Meni, that united Egypt around 3000 b.c. . What about to read the history books. Maybe he invented the Mathyass caracter but not Scorpion King. When I was going to see the film I expected it to be an actual historical film about this ruler. What came out was quite enjoyblen Sword and Sorcery flick.


Haha you really expected the Scorpion King to be an actual historical film? Did you watch Mummy 2? Well anyways, it's an ok movie but there's better films. (Gladiator, 300, Spartacus to name a couple.)


yes Russell Mulcahy is the Highlander director, who has wallowed around in TV land for many years before relaunching his career with Resident evil extinction...which wasnt all that great.

i'm not expecting great things from Scorpion King 2 but whatever apparantly there was a demand for a sequel/prequel ...at least its not a remake?


Demand for Scorpion King 2? Is that why its going directly to video? lol


Gladiator and Sparticus indeed are far better than tHE Scorpian King or any of the Mummy movies. But 300 is similar hollywood big budget cumputor animated tripe.

I can enjoy it but I certainly do not rate it with a serious movie. I thought both 13th Warrior and The Last Samurai were both also better than these franchises.
