
Why the hell are they even bothering with this film after all this time? The Scorpion King was enough already, and did nothing to deserve any kind of prequel, sequel or spin-off treatment. It was an AVERAGE film. Nothing remarkable about it at all.

To make matters worse, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is not in this one (or possibly not yet announced..? it doesn't really matter)

I'm tired of these kinds of shake-n-bake films. Rehash this, rip-off that, sequel this, spin-off that...

Three words "Hollywood" has never understood:

Cue the potential torrents of violent backlash, insults, and posts like: "OMG U SUXXOR!! SCRoPIONKONG RISE RULLLEEEES!!!" Whatever. I hope someone here agrees with me.


See, no arguments, its fair to say that you're right


What are you talking about, The Scorpion King was a great movie.

Didn't expect anything special just something to pass the time but actually it's one of the best I've seen, almost as good as Gladiator or King Arthur to name something similar.Not to mention that at the time it rocked.

Of course this sequel is probably gonna suck without Dwayne Johnson, he's the Scorpion King

How original is it to pull an arrow out of your back and shoot the evil king with it?:P



Wow you are so *beep* retarted. Gladiator > any movie "The Rock" will even make period.


you're an ass !


I might have taken you seriously if you hadn't compared scorpion king to gladiator... and proved you're an idiot.


You are completely right. These men are idiots. They don't even deserve a screenname on this site. Scorpion King was OK. That's all. I only got it cause it came in a 3 pack when I bought the Mummy films. Other than that, I would never have bought it.


Gladiator wasn't that great a movie. Next you'll probably be saying 300 was a good movie too. I've seen Gladiator once, and no urge to ever watch it again. Scorpion King, I've seen a lot more than once, it's just more enjoyable to re-watch.
So, to be fair, neither movie deserves this kind of treatment. A DTD with a bunch of no names. At least for Walking Tall 2, they tried to get someone people would recognize.


WTF? Theres a walking tall 2? Why


Yeah. They replaced "The Rock" with Hercules himself, Kevin Sorbo. (not same character)
Apparently there's a Walking Tall 3 as well, also starring Sorbo. Since I don't particularly care for Sorbo, I didn't watch either sequel, plus fact they have nothing to do with the first one, just same crap new location deal.


OMG, you must be 12 years old and obsessed with the Rock, please don't post anymore. You fan boys do sound like idiots.


Yes, I know a lot about movies and how to look up info on IMDB so I must be twelve. If anyone's twelve, it'd be you. Ever go to a place called a video store? Probably not or you'd have seen the sequel on the shelves. Don't need to be a "fan boy", just have eyes. Nor is anyone "obsessed" with The Rock; try following a conversation's topic correctly.
But, for the record, I do think more of the Rock's acting than Sorbo's lack of. And a side note, as I'm sure the "fan boy" thing is referring to a wrestling fan, try to keep in mind a twelve year old wouldn't really know him as a wrestler since he's been retired for half their life.


Who knows? The Scorpion King was a fun popcorn movie, but nothing more than that. When the movie was over, I had enough Scorpion King. I can't imagine they'd even make back all their money from a sequel. Ah well, their money to throw away.


I found the Scorpian King an enjoyable 'tag along' with the Mummy films, the only reason I have it was because it was cheaper to buy in a box-set with the other Mummy films than just the Mummy films alone. But I cannot let this be compared to films like Gladiator!!!! and does it deserve a prequel?? I can only put it as Wikipedia did as this makes it "a prequel of a spin-off-prequel of a sequel of a remake".....enough said!


what no Uwe Boll attached to this crap? oh well... someone else's turn to live the dream

-Is it over?
-Not until the fish jumps.
-Its over.


The first one wasn't bad enough. They wanna outdo themselves.


I loved the Scorpion King, Gladiator was a better movie, Troy was a better movie, Kingdom of Heaven was a better movie. The Scorpion King was a great movie it wasn't outstanding, but I'm happy to see a prequel. And since it is a prequel I understand why The Rock wasn't cast as Mathayus.


"a prequel of a spin-off-prequel of a sequel of a remake"

LOL, priceless.

I thought Scorpion King was an enjoyable movie. Not something I would go out of my way to rewatch over and over, but neither is Gladiator, 300, or Troy, which I thought where enjoyable films aswell. I'm just not the kind of person to rewatch a movie over and over. Usually when I've seen it once, I'm done. Too many movies to see to waste time rewatching the same ones ya know. It has to be a exquisite film, something that I consider on my top 10 fav movies, to rewatch(IE: Last Samurai, LOTR trilogy, and Star Wars 1-6)

But I find the idea of a "a prequel of a spin-off-prequel of a sequel of a remake" to be ridiculous. Just a film to make money on the DVDs. Nothing more.


you must be kidding me.. 300 was far a master piece for its genre - just the special efx won prices.. come on.. re-watch it again and se the amazing differents.. i think u americans don't use your ding-bats when watching a flick..

Scorpion king 1 was what it was a pure action flick with a no brainer plot. and that was what people wanted..
if you guys thought that troy or Gladiator, Arthur etc. was good you should re-watch Ben Hur a true great epic movie. i same style 300 had an epic story to tell _ granted more FX but what an awesome special Effects for a movie like this.. jaw dropping good.. never seen as beatifull - made like in this movie.. with calm beautiful clean pictures.. non of the above movies can be compared - imho.

but of course we have different opinions - but i tend to believe you guys watch the CAM versions.. an not the Big screen versions..or walk out if a film tenbd to be "borring" or "the actors talks to much"

about SC2 - it not that bad and are watch able.. try it.. with some popcorn.
. its not Uve B.. so it must be good right???!!....

anyway.. if you dont like light sci fi.. then stay the hell away from rating it.. stick to your own kind of movies like: Aliv and the Chipmonks..


+1 to the OP! ;)

cause i seen commercials on it and it seems like there just trying to make a quick buck with the movie (but i could not blame them in that sense cause if i could make a few million or so on it or even a million profit, who would complain? lol) as it does look rather crappy though and probably should not have been made and i agree with the OP about the scorpion king itself being a 'ok' (6/10ish type movie) movie and nothing great to begin with.

bottom line... i wont be seeing this film as it seems rather crappy.


Half way through watching Mummy 3, and so far so good, as for Scorpion King 2 my judgement is on hold til i watch it, i enjoyed the first movie even though it was a kinda spin off from the Mummy Returns, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnsen couldn't be in this movie as it's a prequel, he is too old to play his younger self, could be ok, could be crap, will watch and review later.

In response to previous posts, Gladiator is an
awesome movie, but do
you wanna watch it over and over again, Troy was average and forgetable, 300 was a fantastic movie for its cinematography (hope spelt ok) but each movie delivers something special to each individual viewer, opinions vary, so enjoy what you like and leave the rest to others
