Isn't it about time for a trailer?

Why is there so little hype or info for this? I mean mummy 3 just got another trailer. Yes this is only straight to video but couldn't they be gaining support by putting out a trailer to coincide with mummy 3 press stuff.

"What do you do when you spill carpet cleaner?"


Ok how bout now less than a month away any trailers?

"What do you do when you spill carpet cleaner?"


I just saw the trailer, have you?


Yeah FINALLY at ign
Looks pretty good although the dude kinda looks NOTHING WHAT SO EVER LIKE THE ROCK, the title makes no sense how can it be a sequal and a prequal at the same time also if you watch the trailer when the 2 women are sword fighting you hear a canned women's grunt sound effect that is in EVERY SINGLE videogame which sounds very weird and unatural hope they don't use it throughout the movie.

"What do you do when you spill carpet cleaner?"


well it's straight to dvd right? i want it to be good but it would be against reality itself.


*beep* noobs!!! -a-warrior/videos/scop_king2_dvd_trail_072908.html
