MovieChat Forums > The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (2008) Discussion > A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a...

A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake

I think this series as covered all its bases


I think Stephen Sommers should keep on making these 'till he cranks out a good one. Though, he seems to be moving in the opposite direction. That being said, I'll lay down some advice for him: Any movie, no matter what genre, can benefit from ninjas. Adding ninja vampires will yeild even better benefits. Allowing those ninja vampires to fly will almost guarantee an okay movie will win some kind of award for SOMETHING. Flying ninja vampires can only make a movie better, but not even those are considered "the midas touch". They can't turn Blade III into Bram Stoker's Dracula. You can't expect to add flying ninja vampires to Malibu's Most Wanted and end up with Boyz n the Hood. There's no way you can add them to Under Siege 2 and get Marked for Death. You can't surround Jamie Kennedy with flying ninja vampires and expect him to turn into Seth Green. Use them only when you're sure they can benefit your movie enough to bring it out of the dollar bin at Wal-Mart and onto the movie shelves at Borders. Otherwise, your attempt will look labored and very gay, because a bad movie with flying ninja vamires might as well be called Queen of the Damned. And we all know once you've reached that point the best thing to do is just quit.

So... what was this thread about?


"A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake" ...very good!


Should be good. I said it in March 2008. So they're remaking my posts. :P


yeah....but the dude that initiated this post, worded it so well, i think i just wet my pants!!!
this is one of the best IMDb Headers of all time...Stoked!

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


Wow!!! "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..." I have to admit I read it twice & felt like the guy in spaceballs trying to figure out his relationship to Dark Helmet, LMAO. very exquisitely stated. Bravo

law of nature require midgets to be docile noncombative people & this little fella was no exception



You missed the joke. A post about a remake was itself remade.



themovielife has to be a Farker because this thread title just sounds like a Fark headline. Good job at making me laugh.


Definitely the best header I've seen in all these years browsing the IMDB! Five thumbs up!


Yep, that header is perfect. This kinda looks like a prime example of Milking that cash cow for every last drop of moo-juice.


Nope. We can still have room for one more entry: A REBOOT of a prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake. But if that happens I think there will be a tear in the time space continuum and all of these characters will spill out into our universe for some grand ole skull humpin'!


I guess this could also fall under the same category as a "reboot", however, film-makers have been doing a lot of "re-envisionings" lately. And what is the official term for movies like "Superman Returns" that are kind of sequels but also kind of reboots wherein they disregard some elements of past movies or entire past movies all-together.


