Lady Astarte

What's the deal with her being missed, snubbed and forgotten? She does not appear in the IMDB credits at all, no one has mentioned her on the forum, but she is the best part of the whole movie, IMHO. Yes this movie was a stinker, yes it had almost no redeeming qualities, and yes, for some unknown reason they even forgot to throw in some gratuitous nudity! Natalie Becker played Lady Astarte, and was prettier than the stupid female wannabe warrior. Having said that, let me add that this movie should ONLY be seen for free, so get on it Sci Fi channel, here's a nice tuesday night feature for you.


totoal agree... even better than karen
and her acting was amazing in the movie comparing to other....did they ever took acting courses?


alright, alright no need to be harsh. Karen doesn't play a 'stupid' person, she can totally fight! Credit where credit is due to Ms. Becker - I did wonder why she wasn't credited though.


Is she Filipina? I can't find any info on her


She's South African, and a dear friend. :)


what race is she though.
