A Xena/Hercules double episode

The title pretty much sums this movie up. It's on par with a Xena episode. The Greek is Joxer, the chick is Gabrielle - they are both short tubby bints - and Xena has more muscle and far more acting ability than the main guy in this.

I lasted an hour into it then switched it off. The story is lame who cares really. The first movie, whilst lacking in production vbalue, had some sort of a presence. This movie DOES have production value and looks passable, it's just utterly flat and really I couldn't bring myself to finish watching it since I couldnt care less how whatshisface walked through the underworld to go spear some meathead.

The single worst thing aside from the utter blandness was the acting of the main guy and of the king guy. The main guy was post-production voiceovered in a really horrible way and the meathead is a worse actor than the rock.

3/10 (the 3 is for production value and direction which are the only saving grace, 0 for acting, 0 for story)


everybody has been this in most reviews i read.
