Deborah Kara Unger

Too bad IMDb listed the credits alphabetically. I thought Deborah Kara Unger was perfectly creepy and did well as the female support, but she is relegated to "full cast and crew" page.


Yes! I've never seen her before in a film, and I thought she was brilliant, just something so creepy and macabre about her performance.


She was in The Game, which was an infinitely better thriller starring Michael Douglas. She was good in that, too, and again slightly creepy. She plays creepy well.


She's creepy looking. She looks like the cat lady with her beady eyes and high cheekbones .


She reminds me a lot of Dyanne Thorne for some reason. Doesnt hurt that she is still smoking hot even well into her 40's. She was pretty erotic in Crash and it added to the story. But they dont explore that part of her talents in this at all and all you get is kind of creepy and kind of stiff. Not sure if we were supposed to assume she was unstable or had lost it. I think she needed more of that for this role. Instead she comes off as this concerned parent and dutiful care taker who just happened to have trapped her husbands killer in the same building she lived in for 15 years and methodically kept him alive. But I did find myself feeling for her at the end when she's crying because she realized shes not only lost her husband but doomed her son because of her need for revenge. And Im pretty sure thats the ONLY time in this movie any of the actors made me feel anything from their performances...

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.
