MovieChat Forums > Tron: Legacy (2010) Discussion > Movies you love that get alot of hate

Movies you love that get alot of hate

It's funny. This movie has a 50% on RT, meaning there seem to be as many who like this movie as do dislike it. Most people I've met haven't seen it, and I've come across several people who seem to HATE it. And yet, every time I see it, I like it a little more.

I don't know, maybe it's because it was better than a lot of reviews had led me to believe, or maybe it was because it was better than what it could have been. I watch this movie and get the feeling that the people making it really put care into making it. Also, the acting was better than I would have thought. And it was the best of the live-action blockbusters Disney produced that year (then again that doesn't really say anything since the two were Prince of Persia, which was forgettable, and Alice in Wonderland, which shouldn;t have made as much as it did).

So, do you feel the same as I do for other movies(btw, I apologize if you like PoP or AiW)? Maybe even for this movie? Share your thoughts below.

Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and BioShock: Proof that video games are becoming better than movies.


Each time I see Legacy I notice something new and end up liking it a bit more, plus it has some really great set pieces/moments.

I really love Zack Snyder's movies, even the misunderstood Sucker Punch, and I feel they get a lot of undeserving hate.


Haven't seen a lot of his movies, but I did enjoy Guardians of Ga'Hoole. And hey, maybe he'll get some respect with Man of Steel.

Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and BioShock: Proof that video games are becoming better than movies.


I feel a lot people take visuals and design for granted. I was completely floored by legend of the guardians visuals, everything else was fine so I don't really get some of the hate. I didn't care much for Alice in Wonderland but the visuals were quite impressive as well, I felt the movie was a bit soulless.


In full agreement with you, a lot of the movies I absolutely love are visually capturing. Sometimes the storyline isn't that great or there are plot holes, but if the graphics are beautifully done and the soundtrack fits the mood as well as it did in this entire film I'm often won over. Even Alice in Wonderland had beautiful enough costumes and bits of graphics and music for me to re-watch occasionally. Personally I have more of a visual appetite for movies, although I love quite a few classic black and whites as well! There seems to be almost an art to appreciating different films for their own unique characteristics!


Deep Impact, Knowing, Pearl Harbor, Red Planet, Speed Racer, The Spirit, and Twister are all movies I really enjoyed for one reason or another, yet everyone else seemed to hate.

If you call me crazy again, I'll eat your other eye.



knowing was actually a pretty damn good movie.still one of my favs,and its oddly on dvd in a 2 for 1 pack with "push" which wasnt bad either.

spectre can

suck it.


Pearl Harbor and Knowing are two of the 10 worst movies of all time.


Knowing, 2012, Godzilla, Prometheus are all underrated.


Didn't care for DEEP IMPACT, but that was only because I found it overall depressing. Not really a criticism of the movie, the design, acting, and plot was all fine.

Didn't see KNOWING, but want to, because I really like Alex Proyas, despite his on and off record as of late. (DARK CITY was awesome, but I recommend steering clear of the Director's Cut. Too many added scenes that don't need to be in the movie).

The trouble surrounding PEARL HARBOR had to do with historical inaccuracy, which I have to admit is a pretty big deal for a film made about one of the most important moments in world history.

What little I did see of RED PLANET made me want to see more of it.

I love SPEED RACER. It's one of the best films I've seen. Saw it three times in the theater.

Didn't see much of THE SPIRIT. Can't say one way or the other on that one.

And TWISTER was great if you saw it in the theater. Once you brought it to the small screen, its editing mistakes and simple plot seem to become more evident, and it loses something as a result. It reminds me of AVATAR, how everyone went crazy for it in the theater, and yet when seen on the small screen, it loses something.

For me, it's all about flow. If I can get pulled into a movie of any genre because of the talent of the acting, the setup, the visuals, really anything at all, as long as the flow keeps me interested, I usually can enjoy it. It's when a mistake happens that screws up the flow that makes me dislike a film. I think of TITAN A.E., where the Captain suddenly turns into a bad guy. That ruined the film for me, because not only was there no explanation for his behavior, but it just shifted the entire tone of the movie in a different direction, which destroyed the flow for me.

A final note: I love A WALK IN THE CLOUDS, which I think fits what you're talking about here. It doesn't have much of a plot, there are some scenes that feel weak, its certainly not a perfect movie. But I found the visuals to be astoundingly beautiful, the women were absolutely gorgeous, and the feel of the movie captured me from the beginning. Sometimes there is more to a movie than just the story, or its imperfections.

My thoughts:
My book:

You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.


you should watch "house of flying daggers" by zhang yimou


I agree! When I first saw Sucker Punch I thought it was mehh but after watching it a second time I understood it better and just generally appreciated it better. I like it now, I've even bought the blu ray, which it looks amazing in. But yeah, a lot of people I know don't like it or won't watch it.

I liked Terminator 3 as well. I can see why many people didn't like it but I don't know I still like it lol..

Some people mentioned Lords of Dogtown and Zodiac....did the majority not like those?? LoD was a film I happened to catch on HBO one night and I loved it, especially the soundtrack. Zodiac, to me at least, is one of Fincher's most underrated films. I thought that one was great as well. Totally snubbed by the Academy.



I like most of Terry Gilliam's movies, and most people I talk to just wonder why.


BASEketball (for the most part)
Dead Man on Campus
Detroit Rock City
Empire Records
Grandma's Boy
Lords of Dogtown
Out Cold
The Rundown
Shoot 'Em Up
Smokin' Aces

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


Sucker Punch
Your Highness
Clash of the Titans (2010)
The Island
Con Air
Deep Impact
Austin Powers
John Carter


People hate John Carter? Wow... I haven't seen it yet myself, but everyone I've talked to who has, loves it.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


The Postman (IMDb Score: 5.7)
Signs (IMDb Score: 6.8)
That Thing You D0 (IMDb Score: 6.7)
The Seeker: The Dark is Rising (IMDb Score: 4.7)
The Last Mimzy (IMDb Score: 6.3)
What Dreams May Come (IMDb Score: 6.7)
13 Going on 30 (IMDb Score: 6.0)
The Invention of Lying (IMDb Score: 6.4)
You, Me & Dupree (IMDb Score: 5.6)
First Knight (IMDb Score: 5.7)

My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment I made all of the ladies on IMDb pregnant.


The Core.

One of my favorites but I haven't found anyone else who likes it.

Same with The Village.

You've got ten seconds to go or Daddy's gonna nail it to the chair!


I really liked The Core,have watched it 3 times :)

Other movies that get alot of hate but i really,really like them -

The Postman - 5,9
Waterworld - 6,1
Jurrassic Park 3 - 5,9
Tron Legacy (obviously)
Constantine - 6,9
Underworld (All of them)
3000 Miles to Graceland - 5,9
Only God Forgives - 5,8
The Counselor - 5,4
Over the Top - 5,5



Oh man. I absolutely despise almost every movie you just listed haha. I'm all for being captivated by spectacle and that's a major reason (next to the absolutely amazing OST) why I enjoy Tron: Legacy, but I really can't stand films that completely take story for granted. The Transformers trilogy comes to mind. I would never bash you for liking those films, but I have to say that I have such a burning hatred for Sucker Punch that I cannot articulate. Also, I'm not sure I've ever heard someone say they hated Austin Powers. I hope nobody hates that movie it's great goofy comedy.




Jurassic Park Returns July 2013



hers my list of movies I love that get hate

Prometheus (like not love)
Terminator Salvation
The Thing remake/prequel
Repo men
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
Tron Legacy


I don't think any film truly has universal hate, but the following films that I enjoyed (mostly sequels) do get a ton of flack from some fans and viewers (even though some of them are well reviewed critically):

- The entire Star Wars prequel trilogy

- Rambo III

- Halloween: H20

- Rob Zombie's Halloween II

- Star Trek: Search for Spock, Nemesis, & Insurrection

- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

- Alien 3 & Alien: Resurrection

- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest & At World's End

- Terminator 3

- The Expendables

- Hannibal

- A.I.

- Jaws 2

- Hulk

- The Village

- Tree of Life

- Hook

- Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Favorite Pastime: Feeding Trolls


does a.i get "flack?"

i liked that film - one of overrated spielbergs best probably cos it's by kubrick and has a good cast

"I wish someone would remake Hollywood"


yeh A.I gets flack because of the ending and how its different from Kubricks vision.


what don't the "general public" like about the ending?

"I wish someone would remake Hollywood"


The ending of A.I. actually *is* what Kubrick wrote. Spielberg himself has said this numerous times.

If you call me crazy again, I'll eat your other eye.


well there u go, I think alot of ppl assumed it ended just before the aliens came into it, probably because of Spielbergs obsession with aliens.



Actually, they weren't aliens either. They were super advanced robots.

If you call me crazy again, I'll eat your other eye.



I doubt you "love" all these movies. Some are enjoyable in their own way, I for one have enjoyed Hook, the Village and Dead Man's chest.


Did I say I "loved" all those films in my post?

I clearly said I "enjoyed" them. And yes, at least half of the films on that list I do, in fact, "love".

Favorite Pastime: Feeding Trolls


I "love" that you "enjoyed" them. I'll have to "watch" a few of them, "myself."

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


You named a couple of movies that I usually hear negative commentaries on them, but that I like.

- Alien 3 & Alien: Ressurection;
Alien is one of the best serie of films to me. It evolved. Being faithful to the vs scheme, but changing the context and the font.

- Wes Craven's New Nightmare;
I don't know anybody that care about that movie.
To me, this is one of the Masterpieces of Craven. He took his concept (the first) and pushed it farer. This had ideas, have his tense moments, I liked it.

- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull:
I got Aliens! it could had not ended it any other ways! To me it one of the great movies of the 2000-2010.

- Terminator 3:
This movie is a beast! Yeah the story was not original and it we could have actually seen more of this famous rise of the machine it could have been brilliant, but it was so entertaining that I was blown away at the time and movies that makes me feel that way these days are pretty rare.

- Freddy Vs Jason;
They totally made what AVP could not. THAT was a showdown. It was well-made.
And have cliché from both series.

- Jason Goes to hell;
This movie is the New Nightmare of the Friday The 13th serie. The worm was an interesting idea and was less repetitive than the rest.
Liked the end.

- Breakfast Of Champions;
When I talk about that movie, nobody seems to know that movie! To me, one of my favorite Bruce Willis and Nick Nolte performances! The movie changes the pace quite often is might be disturting for some. It makes laught and think.

- Congo;
The second time I saw that movie 10 years later, I was surprisingly entertained.
I liked the cast. I like jungle movies and these days there's not much good jungle movies compared to the '70.

- The Horde;
Killing zombie by punching them THAT is badass! One of the great zombie movie of the last few years. It's French, so it helps the to not take of the originality.

- The Sheperd Border Patrol;
Even disliked by JCVD fan. I like the JCVD fight scenes, the bar fight was fast and brilliant. The story is nothing specical and there's not as many fight scene as some want but the couples of was are satisfying to me. Never understimate JC!

- The cooler;
Underknown. Made me appreciate William H. Macy as an actor. He makes a positive difference on the movies he's in. Made me even appreciate 'The Deal' and I could not believe what I had seen!!!

- Get Carter; I like sly, a couple of great line, great cinematography,

- Rocky Balboa; This is a GREAT MOVIE. Inspiring. It the best Rocky movie that can ever be made.


Haven't seen all of those and have other ones of my own, but I agree with a good chunk of them!


Scott Pilgrim v. The World
The Monty Python movies (most people I know don't get MP)
Star Trek Nemesis (I get why a lot of fanboys don't like it but I love it)
Alien Resurrection

But then there's a lot of movie I'm told "everybody loves" that I hate like Avatar, Titanic and Harry Potter, so I'm fine with being in the minority.

Oh and people who "hate" John Carter haven't seen it in my experience. They only say that because it bombed so it's cool to say they hated it.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco

