MovieChat Forums > Tron: Legacy (2010) Discussion > Directors cut vs Theater Cut

Directors cut vs Theater Cut

I hear in the directors cut, after Sam sees the unicorn, it immediately fades to the credits after he and Quorra get on the motorcycle versus the theater cut where after the entire movie being dark, they ride through the country in the sun. Unknown how long Quorra has to live and if Sam is a replicant.


Supposedly, Sam's eyes flashing when they attach his disc, was supposed to indicate that Sam is a replicant, as well. We see Sam's eyes flash in the director's cut, too... but it's almost immediately explained onscreen.. by an excerpt from Kevin Flynn's book.

That BOOK.. those flippin' onscreen excerpts are all thru the director's cut. Thank goodness they were left OUT of the theatrical cut. They destroy every BIT of the mystery, and just make the film something about sci-fi, instead of a sublime fantasy.

The film is MUCH better when you're never sure if Sam is actually insane and hallucinating, or if he is really 'manipulated living'.

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