Season 2-Sophie

Does anyone know the reason Sophie (Gina Bellman) was not utilized more often? I'm rewatching the series on Netflix and I saw that she was always traveling and teleconferencing.


Gina Bellman was pregnant. They were able to get through the first few episodes with camera angles and baggy clothes, but she really couldn't play the sexy seductress grifter at that point. So they came up with a clever way to just use her in cameos for most of the season, while Jeri Ryan stepped in to sub for her. The amazing thing is that Bellman came back for the season finale, running all over that ship while she was nine months pregnant. Talk about a trouper!

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I remembered watching the first time round. I had really hoped Jerri Ryan was going to be taking Sophie's place on the cast :(


Sophie was the emotional center of the group, and absolutely necessary to the team. Jeri Ryan did a good job filling in, and the writers did a good job creating a character who was distinct from Sophie and could work with the team. But the show just wouldn't have been the same without Sophie.

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Thanks for the answer. Watching Jeri Ryan episodes today. They are still good but the team has a different dynamic. I do miss the connection between Nate and Sophie in these episodes.


I do NOT understand the fascination with Jeri Ryan. Other than being tall, she isn't that attractive & she isn't that talented. She did okay while Gina Bellman was out on maternity leave, but could NEVER have been a permanent part of the team.


Ryan did a perfectly fine job filling in. As to her appearance, she may have the type of looks which appeal to men more than they are appreciated by other women. Regardless, Bellmen's Sophie was absolutely necessary to the group dynamic, and it was a happy day when she returned to the show. But I'm grateful that the writers and producers were able to come up with a replacement that kept the show entertaining while Bellman was enceinte.

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It worked out well IMO! ;-/

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I always imagined they brought back Jeri Ryan's character after the end of the series. There were only the three of them left, and they would need a grifter. Just musing...............
