MovieChat Forums > Leverage (2008) Discussion > Did we ever find out Sophies real name?

Did we ever find out Sophies real name?

Just wondering. I dont have cable so I havent seen season 5 yet


Not really. At the end of the finale, we think we've found it out, and moments later we're told that what we thought was her name really isn't. I guess the writers/producers decided that we didn't need to know. To which I reply, "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

We provide ... Leverage.



the real reason they likely did not want us to know is because Sophie is Royalty so they likely want us to wander just how she is royality

we know her aunt is a duchess or something


That Aunt you speak of is probably her aunt through marriage. So while she may have had a noble title, it was probably under one of her many aliases.


I don't think she's actually of noble birth. I think she and her "aunt" were both fake. Nate asks her about it in that episode and she says that Lady Charlotte (is that the name she used in that episode in London?) was one of her oldest fake identities.


I think it said, "Your Name Here" on her ID bracelet.


In the finale episode, Nate calls her "Laura." A few minutes later, she jokes "you know that's not my real name, right?" And he said he knows.

However, in the commentary, they say they were just playing around and that Laura was always going to be her real name, chosen in the beginning of the series.

So there you go. :)



I thought it was revealed in the series finale? I'll have to re watch it.



The thing that has always bothered me, was that in the "Two Live Crew" (I think - the episode where we see Sophie, the bomb and the funeral) during the funeral, they keep talking about "Catherine." At the end, however we see the headstone showing "Sophie."

She gives the long speech about taking time to find herself... but she comes back as Sophie - the ONE alias that is supposed to be dead.
