Which episode...?

I am trying to find the episode where they are breaking into something that requires the password to be spoken. Parker has all the sounds she needs to configure it except for a few, so "waiter Eliot" approaches the mark with 2 trays and offers up one that has a name that contains most of the sounds they need, and tries to get the guy to repeat it back to him. The only missing sounds after that are all covered in the swear words the guy yells at Eliot after he eats it and realizes it's not at all what he was told it was.

I was telling someone about the scene, and I wanted to play it for them, but I'm having trouble remembering which episode that was in. I know I watched it recently, but since I own the series on DVD, and I also watch it any time I see that it's on, and I also record it onto my DVR every time it comes on TV and then watch whichever one strikes my fancy at the moment, it really could be any of them!

So please let me know if you know which episode this is. Thank you!


Got it! It was The Homecoming Job.

Man, I love Eliot. Christian nails this scene. I adore it.
