MovieChat Forums > The Cleaner (2008) Discussion > Does anyone else find the poster ridicul...

Does anyone else find the poster ridiculous?

Honestly, I don't know what marketing was thinking when they came up with this poster. I see it everyday, larger than life on the side of a bus stop wait area and laugh everytime. They couldn't have him looking at his reflection in a mirror?

Anyone else?

"Solid" ~ Lincoln Hayes


the meaning behind the poster is that no one else is gonna solve your problems, you gotta pick yourself up, and start a new life. Although the idea is to be admired, I agree that it is a little too photoshopped, and he should have been dragging himself, or exhuming at a grave with his name on the tombstone, some other type of dramatic symbolism.




I agree. The post is totally ridiculous. I get what they're trying to convey, but they don't need to spell it out like that. I like your idea of him looking at himself in a mirror. That would have been smarter and nicer. He could have just been standing there and that would have been better than having him carry himself like that.

Cause it's just not cool to be a Nazi anymore baby. - Half Nelson


I didn't understand the poster until I saw the pilot; now I understand it after having watched the show.

In saving others, he is saving himself.

So no, he couldn't be looking at a mirror, they had to show him saving himself.

. . . . . . . .


To me, this looks like a version of La Pieta, the most famous of which is Michelangelo's version, where Mary holds a lifeless Christ in her arms. Maybe it's a reference to his sort of "resurrection," new life, and saving others? Check out a picture and see what you think. (BTW, I'm totally not a religious person -- I'm an art history major, and this is the image I immediately thought of when I saw the poster.)'s_Pieta_5450_cropncleaned_edit.jpg



I keep seeing this poster at CTA bus stops in Chicago and at first I thought that this guy somehow came back from the dead to save people. I assumed there was some supernatural aspect to the show until I read this board. Now, I'm even less interested in the show because it sounds like this guy is a hyper-involved AA sponsor.
