Was that a camera???

In "Mercy" when Ellis is running through the homeless area, just before he finds the guy with the watch, I swear there was a guy crouched down in the foreground behind a film camera. It was very obvious so I almost feel like I am mistaken and it was something else in front of him....
Anyone else see this?


Yes. I have it paused on my dvr with him sitting there with the camera. He has a blue baseball hat on, and a $5,000 camera...


I thought so!


Somewhat related. Last night's episode just as the fbi rushes in, someone bumps the camera. Which i thought was funny.


Yes, you saw something. It's called poor, inadequate production.


In the same episode, the dead Lt. Colonel is breathing like he just ran a marathon. The show has terrible production values but I can't stop watching it.


I can. And did. Not for the production values. I was just bored. Oh well. What else is on? :)


I stopped watching too, right about when he drew a pistol on that lady sitting on a bench. Overblown acting and major turn off.

Deleter trolls...coming soon to a message board near you and me. Prepare.



That was a camera! Crappy show.



Very crappy show. Too bad. It could have been good

Level of quality matters. More than you probably know.



The excuse would be that he's James Cameron and he gets a free pass of course.


I love this show, I'm so caught up in the charactors that unless a boom conked someone out in front of me I probablly wouldn't notice! In Lord of the ring I saw a sticker on an apple, that was funny!
