No Good Actresses!

I know there are still several big movies still to be released and some dark horses that no-one see's coming, but I'm kind of amazed about the lack of genuinely good Oscar calibre performances so far from actresses.

Meryl Streep for me is likely to get two nominations for Rendition and Lions For Lambs, but will they both be in the Best Actress category or Best Supporting Actress category, because neither are the classic, convential leading lady role, they are both supporting roles, but so was The Devil Wears Prada, and she was nominated as Best Actress for that so who knows. Maybe they'll split it if she does indeed receive two nominations.

But who else is going to get nominated. So far from what I've seen, there aren't that many names and performances that scream out at me!

Anyone got any ideas?

I smoke too much! I drink too much! I eat too much! But fu. ck me, I'm happy!



Streep won't get nominated because the films didn't make much at the Box Office yet Jolie will get nominated because of A Mighty Heart. Both Rendition and Lions For Lambs have made treble what A Mighty Heart did and those prior films have only just been released.

I mentioned Streep for nominations because her performances were well-recieved by critics, but neither were starring roles, so perhaps Supporting Actress nominations.

I don't think the timing of a films release will have much impact on the nominations because so far, as I have stated, there haven't been too many stand out performances from any actresses with the exception of Ellen Page in Juno, who not only deserves a nomination, but deserves to win it.

It's not just one of the finest performaces from an actress in 2007, it's one of the finest performances of the last ten years. Reese Witherspoon won an Oscar for Walk The Line for a good performance in a poor field. Page owns the screen in Juno and acts her ass off!

I smoke too much! I drink too much! I eat too much! But fu. ck me, I'm happy!



Not a bad list

Judging by the previews Julia Roberts might be a supporting actress. I haven't seem In the Valley of Ellah or Bug so I can't really comment.

I think that the supporting actress category is going to be much more competitive with Cate Blanchett and Helena Bonham Carter (judging by the buzz Sweeney Todd is creating) leading the pack.



Cate Blanchett had better win best supporting actress for "I'm Not There". I left the theater practically stunned by her was the best of her career, and that's saying a lot!!

I have never been a fan of hers, and I'm not a particularly big fan even now. But after seeing that performance, it would be a travesty for her not to win it. She most definitely deserves it.


Lena Headey won't get nominated for an Oscar because 300 was a popcorn flick and not an Oscar sort of film. Her performance was good, but not Oscar worthy.

Michelle Pfeiffer in Hairspray was okay but not really an Oscar performance. The film wasn't an Oscar worthy film. It was okay but not as good as the original or the musical.

Susan Sarandon's role in In The Valley Of Elah isn't a big enough role to garner a Best Actress nomination. Possability of Supporting Actress, but that is quite a strong category.

Cate Blachett in I'm Not There is a supporting performance but I remember reading an article that suggested that the studio may push her for a Best Actress nomination. That film has no leading roles, it is an ensemble piece, but facts such as that appear redundant in the campaigning.

Kristen Thomson, well I have no idea who she is. I've seen Away From Her but the only female performance in that that was award worthy was Julie Christie.

Meryl Streep could get nominated again purely on the basis of who she is and that her performances in both Lions For Lambs and Rendition were well received even if the films weren't.

Helena Bonham Carter is also a possability, but I don't think it'll happen.

The nominees will be

1. Elen Page for Juno
2. Angelina Jolie for A Mighty Heart
3. Julie Christie for Away From Her
4. Marion Coutillard for La Vie En Rose
5. Keira Knightley for Atonement

I smoke too much! I drink too much! I eat too much! But fu. ck me, I'm happy!



I'm generally not a fan of the actor/actress/film that is a favourite for an award. However, Julie Christie's performance really stayed with with me. I think the film in general should be up for more awards, I came away from the movie theatre truely stunned and moved - a rare experience.


i saw the movie away from her and julie christie sucks!!! marion cotillard to win this year OSCAR!!! i hope this award still seriuos, and gave her the statue. I dont wanna see another oscar winner who doesnt deserve it. Julie Christie, if you win its becaouse you are old and the people respect you for your past, but the Academy Awards its not about that, i about awarded a good performance. In this case Cotillard killed Christie with La Vie en Rose! period.
